プーチン大統領 厳格警備に理解求める NHKニュース


Putin on Sochi: I would very much like sports not to be marred by politics ― RT News

Read full interview here

Despite Putin saying that the Olympics were meant to “depoliticize the most pressing international issues,” the majority of questions he had to answer dealt with politics, with much of the interview time being devoted to dispelling fears that LGBT visitors to Sochi would face any discrimination. Putin reiterated that LGBT community representatives were absolutely welcome in Russia.

Putin said the critics of Russia’s recently passed law on banning propaganda of “non-standard sexual orientation” aimed at minors, should read better into the wording of the bill’s text to find out a “world of difference” between what is said there and infringement on the rights of gay people.

“It seems to me that the bill we adopted does not hurt anybody. Moreover, people of non-traditional sexual orientation cannot feel like inferior people here, because there is no professional, career or social discrimination against them, by the way.”