Jim Rogers Blog: Interest Rates Are Going Higher Around The World

"The interest rates around the world are going higher. If the US considers further tapering, then, I think, global markets will eventually have to suffer. If you take this whole ocean of liquidity out of the financial markets, somebody is going to suffer. When the US starts tapering, the less developed markets will suffer first. The flows into emerging markets will come under pressure. Whether the Federal Reserve is going to taper for second time or third time, the markets around the world are going to suffer."

Jim Rogers Blog: The Federal Reserve Will Get Scared

"Remember the people in Fed are just bureaucrats and academicians, they do not know much about the real financial world. When markets start falling on tapering, the Fed will get scared and start printing more money. All this is bad for the global economy, as printing of money has never worked in the long term."

Jim Rogers On The Markets: If You Own Bonds, You Should Sell Them

The peak in bonds was in 2012 and they have been going down since. I am negative on bonds going forward. Bonds were in a bull market from 1981 to 2012. That is 31 years of a bull market. Bonds have been coming down for 18 months. In my view, yields got so low, so very low that they had to go higher. Wether they have to go higher this week, this month or this year, I do not know. If you own bonds you should sell them.