Twitter / marieharf: .@PentagonPresSec: The United

.@PentagonPresSec: The United States attempted a rescue operation recently to free a number
of American hostages held in Syria by ISIL (1/4)

Twitter / marieharf: .@PentagonPresSec: This operation

.@PentagonPresSec: This operation involved air and ground components and was focused on a particular captor network within ISIL. (2/4)

Twitter / marieharf: .@PentagonPresSec

.@PentagonPresSec: Unfortunately,
the mission was not successful because the hostages were not present at the targeted location. (3/4)

Twitter / marieharf: .@PentagonPresSec: We put the

.@PentagonPresSec: We put the best of the United States military in
harms way to try and bring our citizens home. (4/4)

U.S. Dept of Defense

U.S. attempted a rescue operation to free a number of American hostages held in #Syria by the ISIL. Read more,

Twitter / OutFrontCNN: #BREAKING: Earlier this summer

#BREAKING: Earlier this summer U.S. attempted to rescue #ISIS hostages, including James Foley in #Syria. We have more at 7pm ET on @CNN.

Twitter / OutFrontCNN: U.S. recently tried

U.S. recently tried unsuccessfully to rescue James Foley and other Americans held in Syria by #ISIS. @CNN's @barbarastarrcnn has more. : シリアでの救出作戦は失敗 米国防総省が認める


シリアで拘束の米国人救出作戦が失敗、米国防総省明かす | Reuters



神浦 元彰

米紙ニューヨーク・タイムズ(電子版)は20日、イスラム国が米国人ジャーナリスト、フォーリー氏を殺害する前に、1億ドル(約104億円)の身代金を要求と報じた。家族の代理人らの話。 これに対し、米政府は支払いを拒否。(共同通信 8月21日 電子版) 米政府は一切の身代金を支払わない。