米上院、シリア反体制穏健派への武器供与法案可決 | Reuters
Pres. Obama to make statement on Congressional vote at 7pE. Watch his remarks LIVE on @CNN's @ErinBurnett #OutFront. http://www.cnn.com/cnnx
Watch @CNN: Obama speaks after Senate gave final congressional approval for his request to arm and train Syrian rebels to fight #ISIS.
Pres. Obama: American forces "will not and do not have a combat mission" on the ground. @CNN http://www.cnn.com/cnnx
Will Pres. Obama change his mind on putting combat troops on the ground to fight ISIS? @stefcutter @dansenor @DanaBashCNN @jimsciutto @CNN
U.S. ready to strike ISIS in Syria; military waiting for Obama's "go." But how involved will he really be? @barbarastarrcnn has the report.