Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has destroyed entire cities, ripped almost five million refugees from their homes, killed tens of thousands of people.
— (@haaretzcom) April 18, 2022
But Tucker doesn't care | Opinion
Why Tucker Carlson hates Ukraine so much
— (@haaretzcom) April 18, 2022
The real threat Trump poses (along Carlson and other media enablers) is ideological. Trump wanted to exit NATO because he has bottomless contempt for the postwar international order that liberal democratic countries have built @mattjj89 Opinion
— (@haaretzcom) April 18, 2022
If Trump is elected in 2024, the parallel axis of nationalist authoritarians, a populist, transatlantic pro-Putin posse pitted against a newly solidified bloc committed to democratic solidarity, will be dangerously invigorated @mattjj89 Opinion
— (@haaretzcom) April 18, 2022
With Russia's invasion imminent, Carlson lamented that “not a single Republican leader" pointed out "how completely divorced it is from anything that American voters actually care about." But it turns out they do @mattjj89 Opinion
— (@haaretzcom) April 18, 2022
Carlson's shilling for Putin isn’t just a symptom of mindless polarization. It’s a disturbing reminder that the commitment to basic liberal democratic principles is increasingly tenuous among powerful political factions in the U.S. @mattjj89 Opinion
— (@haaretzcom) April 19, 2022
There’s a reason Carlson’s nightly rants have become a fixture on Russian propaganda outlets.
— (@haaretzcom) April 19, 2022
If Carlson, self-appointed spokesman for millions of 'silent' Americans, who mocks the idea that U.S. assistance to Ukraine defends democracy, takes a look at the polls, he'd find out how condescending and out-of-touch he sounds @mattjj89 Opinion
— (@haaretzcom) April 19, 2022