米SEC、ボルカールール最終案を承認 | Reuters
ボルカールール規制対象から外債除外、実施期限15年7月に延期 | Reuters
情報BOX:ボルカールール最終案の概要 | Reuters

ボルカー・ルール−値付け業務は緩くヘッジは厳しく監視へ - Bloomberg

FRB議長と理事:ボルカールールは一段と発展へ−実施後に - Bloomberg



Bernanke, Tarullo Say Volcker Rule to Take Shape While Applied - Bloomberg

“The fundamental challenge is to distinguish between proprietary trading, on the one hand, and either market-making or hedging, on the other,” Tarullo said in a statement released prior to the Board of Governor’s meeting today where they will vote on adopting the rule. “Implementation will be particularly important” in shaping the rule in future, he said.

In a separate statement, Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said writing the rule “has taken longer than we would have liked.”

“The ultimate effectiveness of the rule will depend importantly on supervisors, who will need to find the appropriate balance while providing feedback to the Board on how the rule works in practice,” he said.

Tarullo said JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s so-called London Whale trading loss “allowed staff to test the procedural and substantive requirements of the proposed rule against a real-world example of what should not happen in a banking organization.”

He said the part of the rule dealing with proprietary trading has been “simplified somewhat” by “reducing the number of metrics that will be used in the reporting and analysis” of trading data.

ルー米財務長官:ボルカールールで市場の行動・慣行は変化へ - Bloomberg


Lew Says Volcker Rule to Change Market Behavior, Practices - Bloomberg

“Our work on financial regulatory reform, based on lessons from the worst financial crisis in recent history, is an ongoing exercise in remaining vigilant against market behavior that threatens the stability of our financial system,” Lew said in an e-mailed statement today. “Nevertheless, completion of this rule is an important milestone.”

ウォール街がボルカールール勝利宣言−自由な解釈で抜け穴も - Bloomberg




チルトン委員は数週間前の段階で、ボルカールールの最終案が銀行にとって手ぬるいと判断すれば、反対する意向を示していた。しかし、米国の5つの監督機関が今回承認した最終ルールについては、米銀JPモルガン・チェース で62億ドル(約6370億円)のトレーディング損失発生につながった「ロンドンの鯨」事件のようなケースの再発防止を意図しており、「強力で厳しい」内容だと評価した。

Volcker Rule Allows Both Banks and Regulators to Declare Victory - Bloomberg

For regulators, adoption of the final rule puts a capstone on a five-year effort to impose new order on the banking industry after its risky mortgage securities took the financial system to the brink in 2008. The rule, which bans banks from making speculative bets for their own accounts, “will change behavior and practices in our financial markets to safeguard taxpayers,” Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew said.

For Wall Street, much of the rule is open to interpretation -- wiggle room that should give banks ample opportunity to keep profiting, albeit while spending more on compliance lawyers. Another win: banks don’t have to fully comply with the rule until July 2015.

“Of course they are going to find loopholes. They’ve got a year and half before this thing is even implemented,” Commodity Futures Trading Commission member Bart Chilton said in an interview with Bloomberg Television. “They are going to be looking at these gray areas with a fine-toothed comb.”

Chilton said the rule, which gained final approval by five U.S. agencies today, was “rigorous and strong” and designed to prevent another trading debacle like the $6.2 billion loss by JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM)’s London Whale last year. Only weeks earlier, Chilton had vowed to vote no if he deemed it too easy on banks.

ボルカールール成立で高額報酬の弁護士先生方は大忙し - Bloomberg





Volcker Rule Seen as Boon for $1,000-an-Hour Wall Street Lawyers - Bloomberg

“It’s going to be a late night, definitely,” said Kini, who planned to spend his evening in the office reviewing the more than 900-page rule and preamble with about 10 other lawyers. In preparation, Debevoise had staff assigned to print, bind and distribute the rule, schedule conference calls with bank clients and create internal e-mail lists to make brainstorming easier.

For Wall Street law firms including Debevoise, whose senior partners have billed clients more than $1,000 an hour in the past, as well as Sullivan & Cromwell LLP and Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP, the final Volcker rule offers an opportunity for new business and additional fees. Hundreds of lawyers will be needed to interpret the rule, establish models for compliance and find new strategies for securities firms with $44 billion at stake from market-making activities.

“The Volcker rule is going to keep a lot of people at this firm occupied for a long time,” said Joshua Sterling, a partner at Bingham McCutchen LLP, which held a Volcker rule “boot camp” for attorneys last week. Securities firms spinning off units and non-banking companies looking to enter the field as others are forced to exit will create significant opportunities for new business, he said.

Jones Day has 200 lawyers around the world reviewing the Volcker rule this week, said Lisa Ledbetter, a Washington-based partner at the law firm. Ledbetter, who now spends about 75 percent of her time on issues related to the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act, said clients have been calling with questions about how to distinguish proprietary trading from market-making and hedging.

“We’ll be working longer hours to make sure we have our arms around the content of the rule,” Ledbetter said. The firm will send a summary of the regulations to clients as soon as its lawyers digest the details, she said.

he Volcker rule may create about 2.3 million hours of paperwork, pushing the total amount of compliance time for Dodd-Frank legislation to about 59 million hours, according to government estimates compiled by Sam Batkins, director of regulatory policy at the American Action Forum. That could cost banks at least $5.9 billion, said Batkins, whose organization advocates reducing the size of the government.

Wall Street lawyers will be kept busy for years trying to spot “exploitable loopholes” in the Volcker rule, said James Cox, a professor at Duke University School of Law in Durham, North Carolina.

“Dodd-Frank has just been terrific for the legal industry,” Cox said. “It’s a tremendous boomlet for law-firm revenues.”