Twitter / livedoornews: 【驚き】「い・ろ・は・す」が炭酸水になって登場



Twitter / livedoornews: 【極秘任務】元CIAのスノーデン氏が愛用する超匿名OS「Ta



Snowden asks Putin LIVE: Does Russia intercept millions of citizens’ data? ― RT News

Russia has “no mass surveillance in our country,” according to President Vladimir Putin, after he was asked a surprise question by whistleblower Edward Snowden at his Q&A session, adding “our surveillance activities are strictly controlled by the law.”

Twitter / ianbremmer: Snowden asks Putin if Russia

Snowden asks Putin if Russia engages in comprehensive surveillance. Apparently that's the one country his NSA intel didn't cover.

Twitter / ianbremmer: Can political science predict

Can political science predict the future?
My latest on LinkedIn:

Can you predict the future in politics? | LinkedIn

Given that I’m a political scientist and I assess risk for a living, I’m often asked how I make predictions about the future. How much of it is guesswork? How much of it is luck?

When it comes to “predicting” political risk, the short answer is you don't.

But you can still sensibly discuss what you think will happen and the relative likelihood of one outcome occurring as opposed to another. So how do we “predict” the future? It’s more about identifying what you cannot know, what cannot happen and what patterns could repeat themselves―and stripping political rhetoric out of the equation.

1) Acknowledge the limits of what you can anticipate.

Predicting how a country would respond to crisis is much more manageable than predicting the crisis itself.

2) Strip out the political rhetoric.

Political leaders constantly make statements and feign actions that are meant to have an impact on their constituents―not to reflect reality. Media outlets often have an incentive to echo the most extreme comments and sensationalize events to capture and keep their target audience’s attention.

3) Determine when politics makes the ‘impossible’ possible.

There are times when political dynamics make a seemingly impossible outcome fall within the realm of possibility.

Take Russia defaulting on its debt in August 1998, an event that sent shockwaves through global markets. When assessing the possibility earlier that year from an economic perspective, there was no logical rationale for it happening. Looking at it from a political angle, however, you couldn’t rule it out: the key stakeholders and decision-makers had incentives and predilections that could make a default tolerable given a certain set of circumstances. You wouldn’t go so far as to predict default, but to assess what was next for Russia, you’d be wise to include it in the range of very possible outcomes.

4) Learn from existing examples.

As William Gibson said, “the future is already here, it's just not evenly distributed.” If you want to predict what comes next, look for where we’re already seeing activity that could become systemic: the "weak signals" that become strong signals.

Where can we anticipate similar results? Where are they most likely to diverge? By assessing the demographic challenges and opportunities, social instabilities, and political consolidations, we can begin to paint a probabilistic picture of potential outcomes. The merits of comparative analysis really shine here.

The next time you reach for your crystal ball to determine where Ukraine is headed or where disaster will strike next, remember: political prediction and soothsaying are not the same thing.

職業としての学問 - 佐分利研究室 〜 社会医学のすすめ


ヴェーバーは、学問こそが人々を呪術の園(=magic garden:未開人のように呪術や祈りで問題を解決しようとすること)から解き放ち、すべての事柄は原則上技術と予測によって意のままになると信じていた。


Twitter / ianbremmer: Geneva Talks lead to first

Geneva Talks lead to first de-escalation of #Ukraine crisis. Russians have shifted playing field, now both sides buy a little time.

Twitter / ianbremmer: Critical to Geneva deal: Kremlin

Critical to Geneva deal: Kremlin feeling more confident they can remove #Ukraine govt without invasion.

ウクライナ協議 武装解除で合意 NHKニュース



ウクライナめぐる4者会談、暴力の即時停止求める声明採択 | Reuters







Lavrov: Russia, US, EU, Ukraine agree on de-escalation roadmap ― RT News

Kiev: Military operation in Ukraine southeast to go on despite Geneva agreement ― RT News

Despite calls for a peaceful dialogue in the document on Ukraine adopted in Geneva, the coup-imposed Ukrainian Foreign Minister said it will not affect the “anti-terrorist” operation in the East of the country and the troops will remain there.

Russian journalist detained, questioned for 15 hours by Ukraine law enforcement ― RT News

A journalist for Russia’s LifeNews has been released after being detained and questioned for 15 hours by Ukraine law enforcement. Police allegedly “kicked” the reporter and “other peaceful civilians” during an armed confrontation in Mariupol on Wednesday.

キエフのクーデターで警官隊を襲撃した人びとのうち86名はポーランドの警察施設で暴動の訓練 | 《櫻井ジャーナル》



Putin reveals NATO chief secretly recorded their talk, leaked it to media ― RT News

Vladimir Putin says that current NATO General Secretary Anders Fogh Rasmussen secretly recorded and leaked a private conversation with him, when he was the head of the Danish government.

“During his time as Prime Minister he once requested an unscheduled meeting with me, and we met and talked. As it turned out, he had a voice recorder on him, and surreptitiously recorded our conversation, and leaked it to the press,” the Russian president recounted during his annual TV hotline.

“I couldn’t believe my ears and eyes – what nonsense!”

“He explained to me that he recorded the conversation for posterity. I am flattered, of course, but he should have warned me, or at least asked permission to make the content public,” continued Putin.

“How can you trust someone after an incident like that?”

Putin spoke about the leak when questioned on the relationship between Russia and NATO, frayed after a succession of contretemps, climaxing with the crisis in Ukraine.

“From interpersonal to official relations, there should be more transparency, stability, and partnership,” summed up the Russian leader.

Rasmussen’s current office in Brussels, which he has occupied for the past five years, produced a swift response.

NATO Spokesperson Oana Lungescu told RT in an emailed comment that “These accusations are complete nonsense. During his term in office as Danish Prime Minister, Mr Fogh Rasmussen never brought a dictaphone to record meetings with Mr Putin or anybody else.”

米国が自由と民主主義の保護者だという神話を忘れる時がきた - The Voice of Russia















‘Free gas to Ukraine? Sounds a bit strange’ - Eurogas ex-chief ― RT SophieCo

Sophie Shevardnadze: Jean-Marie Devos, former head of Eurogas, thanks for being with us on a program today. The question of the day is: can Europe survive without Russian gas?

SS: Obviously another huge player in this whole game is America. US officials are calling for export of American natural gas to Europe. Is that a realistic plan as of today?

JD: That's a very interesting question of course. Shale's very clear that today shale gas gives the United States a major competitive advantage. Shale gas, being produced locally in the United States is an outset not only for economy but also for citizens. If, you know, considering possibility of export to Europe, and I did discuss that by the way with some industrialists, I would say it is definitely possible from a technical point of view.

However the cost structure of shale gas exported to Europe may lead to prices which are maybe above the same as the existing prices in Europe. So there is no demonstration so far that American shale gas would flow to Europe at very cheap price with which it should be beating any other kinds of gas sources in terms of competition. This is not the information I have, especially for technical reasons.

You need of course liquefication installations, you need to transport, you need re-gasification. You know, all that add to the cost. And though, you will have, because I believe, there will be a development, you will have increased competition on the European market… We know also that natural gas is a global market and you have markets in the world: look at Asia, look at Japan where the price structure might be much more attractive for exporters. So we will see movements but I don't think we will see quick, immediate flow of American shale gas to Europe.

SS: Just to summarize, you are saying that except the fact the shale gas transportation from America will be too expensive, Europe also right now does not have terminals to ensure smooth transportation? Do I understand everything correctly?

JD: No, we do have of course in Europe the way a lot of capacities are unused or insufficiently used for liquid gas. But in the United States you probably don't have yet all the necessary capacities to liquefy all the natural gas and to export them. So it will take time if it happens. And then of course we have also to consider by the way the needs in the United States itself for cheap gas which may create indeed a de-incentive actually to export natural gas to Europe.

It is clear that industry today benefits from this low price in the United States. But again, I believe all this is a dynamic process and you may see with creative industrialist developments where you will see more exports of natural gas, shale natural gas from the US to Europe. But today there are questions including on prices.

SS: Apart from the prices, do I correctly understand that is also a question of time. How long would it take until it materializes itself? And also will the quantity that America is promising to Europe enough for Europe?

JD: Quantity, you know, is very relative because markets are already served I don't need to tell you, I mean by Russia, Norway, the internal EU production. So it is definitely not unlimited needs, but again the battle, if there is a battle of this kind, will be a price battle and competitiveness battle. Now, from a technical point of view on this very day I don't see, I repeat, the possibility for massive exports of US shale gas. However, this things may develop in some time and maybe very quickly and you could think that in 2016 for example, that you’ll see already more substantial moves.

SS: Shale gas reserves also have been found in Europe. You have France and Bulgaria that are protesting against it, saying that it's really bad for their environment. Poland tapped into it but said they are not going to go ahead with it. Romania were seeing huge protests against Chevron’s plans for shale gas exploration. Is it really that harmful? If it's that harmful, than why is shale gas being trumpeted as the next best thing?

JD: This is a question which is very debated. Having some experience and having talked to industrialist you probably have the possibility to exploit shale gas in an environmentally-friendly manner. At the very same time it is true that there are objective problems and there are also questions of perceptions by public opinion. So it's not an obvious answer. We don't know – that is an honest truth today in Europe. If there is a future for shale gas in Europe.

As you know, some countries are going on, other countries are very restrictive to the point that even prevent the R&D and limiting experiences. But again, these things might change considering for example the economic situation. A real problem for Europe as you know is the competitiveness of its industry. And it is very important for European industry to look that the chemical, cement, others, but also the electricity industry needs to have access to very competitive gas, natural gas. If they want to be indeed successful in their operations. That will dictate I think in a wide way the future of shale gas in Europe – keeping in mind that other gas sources are there and may take this future shale energies for their own advantage.

NED's Chickens Come Home to Roost - Patrick J. Buchanan - Official Website

Here we come to the heart of the matter as to why Americans want to stay out of any Ukrainian conflict. Americans not only see no vital U.S. interest, but also no moral dimension to this quarrel.

Is there not glaring hypocrisy here?

And where do we Americans come off piously damning what the Russians are doing in Ukraine?

Today, two courses of action are being hotly pressed upon the Obama White House by the War Party. Both appear likely to lead to disaster.

The first is to arm the Ukrainians. This would likely provoke a war with Russia that Kiev could not win, and lead Ukrainians to believe the Americans will be there beside them, which is not in the cards.

The second option is the sanctions road.

But Europe, dependent on Russian oil and gas, is not going to vote itself a recession. And should the West sanction Russia, Moscow would sanction Ukraine and sink what the Washington Post calls that “black hole of corruption and waste that is the Ukrainian economy.”

As for more U.S. warships in the Black and Baltic seas and more F-16s and U.S. troops in Eastern Europe, what is their purpose, when we are not going to go to war with Russia?

In the title of the old song, Johnny Cash got it right, “Don’t take your guns to town,” unless you’re prepared to use them.

Undeniably, President Obama and John Kerry have egg all over their faces today, as they did in the Syrian “red line” episode.

Yet they continue to meddle where we do not belong, issue warnings and threats they have no power to enforce, and bluster and bluff about what they are going to do, when the American people are telling them, “This is not our quarrel.”

‘Very few things’ Ukraine can do to keep country together, Putin ally warns – Amanpour - Blogs

“Ukraine now is not a functioning state. It doesn't have a real government. It doesn't have any law enforcement structures. It doesn't have the army because, you know, the army is now switching sides.”

“Victoria Nuland” – U.S. Assistance Secretary of State – “said about five billion U.S. dollars [was] spent to promote democracy in Ukraine, which is oftentimes a code word for regime change.”

焦点:自衛隊基地で変わる与那国島、中国にらんだ実効支配の最前線に | Reuters




インタビュー:原発は国家ぐるみの粉飾決算=吉原・城南信金理事長 | Reuters























中国「新公民運動」に厳しい判決 NHKニュース
