「日本の危機悪化、政治のせい」 英紙、社説で批判


「麻生政権は弱体化しすぎていて、政策を通せない。自民党も不人気すぎて、(任期満了となる)9月より前の総選挙を、検討もできなくなっている」 / Comment & analysis / Editorial - Japan still needs a government

One proposed response is to start “price-keeping operations” – spending 25,000bn yen of public money to prop up the stock market. This is an old staple for Japanese policymakers, and a smaller plan has already been put forward by the government but – predictably – is being held up in the Diet. Either version would be expensive and the breathing space it would buy for banks would only be temporary.

It is time for an election.