WP紙で露メディアを批判したマクフォール元駐露大使は現地でプーチン政権の転覆を画策していた | 《櫻井ジャーナル》



The 1973 Nobel Peace Prize winner stressed that following the election, the debate over US role in the world should be focused on Trump’s potential and policies rather than the rhetoric the Republican used during his campaign, which made a number of countries from Europe to Asia apprehensive about their future relationship with Washington.

“International debate should be over evolving American policy, not over campaign rhetoric. But the overriding quest for peace and stability has dominated every American presidential administration I have studied and known,” the former statesman said.

“No doubt, the president-elect is a personality for whom there is no precedent in modern American history,” Kissinger added from the podium in Oslo.

In his speech, Kissinger pointed out four trends that may lead to greater conflicts and greater challenges during Trump’s presidency.

The worsening of relations between the US and China, and the breakdown in relations between Russia and the West were cited as the biggest challenges. In addition, the weakening of Europe’s strategic importance and an escalation of conflicts in the Middle East, were named as the biggest threats to world peace.

As a former secretary of state, Kissinger, reminded delegates present that the US leadership has always been influential when it comes to world order, and that Trump is no exception.

“Many of the contemporary structures of peace have had either American support or American origin,” Kissinger said. “I hope and believe that in the decades ahead, the United States will continue to fulfill its history and tradition of building world peace.”

This is not the first time that Kissinger has defended the upcoming 45th president, after the two met at least twice this year – one time during the presidential race in May, and the second time in November after Trump’s victory.

In an interview with CNN in November, Kissinger urged Americans to give Donald Trump a chance, calling him the “most unique” presidential figure in his lifetime.




一つの中国政策、必ずしも堅持の必要ない=トランプ米次期大統領 | ロイター










今月はじめに、トランプ氏と台湾の蔡英文総統が電話会談を行った際に中国外務省は、トランプ氏を名指しすることは避け、台湾側を強く批判していました。 says he does not need to read extensively because he reaches the right decisions “with very little knowledge" )
