靖国参拝は「挑発行為」=米紙 (時事通信) - Yahoo!ニュース


Japanese prime minister’s visit to war memorial was provocative act - The Washington Post

It was a provocative act that is likely to further weaken Mr. Abe’s international standing and Japan’s security.

Mr. Abe is particularly notorious for his revisionist take on history, which is often linked to his practical goals of increasing defense spending and revising Japan’s postwar constitution to loosen the strict controls on its armed forces.

Given the behavior of China and North Korea, Mr. Abe has good reason to pursue some of these reforms and to seek closer defense cooperation with the United States. But when he appears to link his policies to nostalgia for Japan’s prewar empire, as he did this week, he undermines his own cause.

For its part, the Obama administration, despite its pleasure over the Okinawa base development, rightly felt compelled to publicly criticize Mr. Abe. A statement issued by the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo said, “The United States is disappointed that Japan’s leadership has taken an action that will exacerbate tensions with Japan’s neighbors.” Some in Tokyo speculate that Mr. Abe has an interest in those tensions, because they could help him persuade skeptical Japanese to support his military and constitutional reforms. But the prime minister risks isolating his government in the region and making cooperation with the United States more difficult. Japan can ill afford either development.