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Polly Boiko ― RT Tags
RT beauty Polly Boiko - YouTube
Polina Boiko - United Kingdom | LinkedIn

University College London, U. of London
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), English Language and Literature
2004 – 2007

Yulia Shapovalova ― RT Tags
RT's Yulia Shapovalova - YouTube
BBC News - Eyewitness: Moscow Metro attacks
Subway blast: RT presenter caught in mayhem of Moscow metro bombing - YouTube








‘No direct US-Syria talks unless Kerry apologizes’ – Syrian FM ― RT News

“Frankly, the Americans have asked for that in Montruex and I refused unless Kerry apologizes for the speech he made in the conference,” Walid Muallem told Syrian state media on board a plane bound for Damascus.

Syria's foreign minister was apparently referring to the opening remarks of US Secretary of State John Kerry’s speech made in Montreux, Switzerland on January 22, who said that President Bashar Assad lost all legitimacy and cannot be a part of any transitional government.

“There is no way, not possible in the imagination, that the man who has led the brutal response to his own people could regain legitimacy to govern,” Kerry said in that speech. Walid Muallem rebuffed him at the time, saying no outside force had the right to “withdraw legitimacy” from the president or government except for the people of the country.

The US officials were quick to deny claims by Syria's foreign minister that US diplomats were seeking direct negotiation with the Syrian delegation.

“At no point did the United States offer to negotiate directly with the Syrian regime,” State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said, though clarifying that the US indeed offered to connect with Syrian officials “on a staff level” through the United Nations and Joint Special Representative Lakhdar Brahimi.

Psaki added that the State Department will never apologize for the views expressed by the top US diplomat. “At no point will Secretary Kerry ever apologize for speaking the truth about the brutality the Assad regime has inflicted on the people of Syria,” she said.

U.S. denies it sought direct negotiations with Syria in Geneva | Reuters

ロシア人権状況に米高官が懸念 NHKニュース


ウクライナ 国際会議でも対立浮き彫り NHKニュース


欧米VSロシア、ウクライナめぐり非難応酬 安保会議 - MSN産経ニュース



West’s interpretation of freedom for Ukraine ‘strange’ – Lavrov ― RT News

Western politicians who advocate freedom of choice for Ukraine, but say this must be a pro-European choice, have a strange interpretation of freedom, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a security conference in Munich.

Lavrov was responding to numerous statements, including from the European Council President Hermann van Rompuy and NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, which were voiced just minutes before at the conference. He also criticized Western support for Ukrainian anti-government protests, which he said ignored the darker side of the movements behind the violence there.

“What does the inciting of street protests, which are growing increasingly violent, have to do with promoting democratic principles?” Lavrov said.

“Why do we not hear statements of condemnation toward those who seize government buildings, attack and burn police officers, and voice racist and anti-Semitic slogans? Why do senior European politicians de facto encourage such actions, while at home they swiftly and harshly act to stop any impingement on the letter of the law?”

Lavrov defended the Ukrainian government’s right to stop the violence, citing a 1966 international treaty on basic political rights, which has been adopted by almost all UN members.

“The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states that the freedom of expression cannot be illegal and is a basic right. But riots, violent actions give the grounds to limit those freedoms,” he said. “A state must be strong, if it wants to remain democratic.”

Ukraine has been mired in a deep political crisis since November 2013, when President Viktor Yanukovich’s government decided not to sign a free trade agreement with the EU, prompting mass pro-EU integration protests. The demonstrations remained more or less peaceful until January, when the Ukrainian parliament adopted a number of bills giving the government greater powers to restrict mass demonstrations.

Radical opposition activists responded to the legislation with violent attacks on riot police. Several days of clashes ensued, in which hundreds of police officers and protesters were injured. The Ukrainian authorities have since made a number of concessions to the opposition, including the repeal of the controversial anti-protests laws, but the tense ceasefire remains shaky at best.

Many western politicians have been openly supporting the anti-government protests and have criticized the Ukrainian government for its handling of the situation. The latest example came from US Secretary of State John Kerry, who was also speaking at the Munich security conference.

The people of Ukraine "are fighting for the right to associate with partners who will help them realize their aspirations – and they have decided that means their futures do not have to lie with one country alone, and certainly not coerced," Kerry said.

But while condemning police brutality and alleged kidnappings, torture and killings of opposition activists, foreign supporters of the opposition have barely mentioned violence and suspected crimes committed by the radical nationalist opposition.

The West has also criticized Russia for what it calls putting pressure on Ukraine not to integrate with the EU. Moscow denies these allegations, however, and insists that it has been keeping an appropriate distance from the crisis, unlike some western countries meddling in Ukraine’s internal affairs.

One of the accusations over Russia’s alleged pressure on Ukraine is over its decision to offer a $15 billion loan and a discount on gas prices to Kiev. Critics say Moscow “bought” Ukraine’s non-alliance with Europe, but Russia insists that it is simply aiding a brotherly people in a time of need, not Ukraine’s government.

Russian President Vladimir Putin this week said that Russia will provide the loan to whatever government is in Kiev, be it formed by President Yanukovich’s ruling party, or by the opposition. But Russia wants to see a working government following the resignation of outgoing PM Nikolay Azarov’s cabinet, before transferring the next installment.

West presses Ukraine, offers treatment to injured activist | Reuters

Sergei Lavrov said the West had "imposed" on Ukraine to cooperate with its NATO defense alliance, while Kerry said the Ukrainian protesters believed "their futures do not have to lie with one country alone - and certainly not coerced".

Opposition leaders said they felt "huge support" after European Council President Herman Van Rompuy said closer ties to the EU were still on offer to Kiev and Kerry assured them that Washington and the EU "stand with the people of Ukraine" in "the fight for a democratic, European future".

Reflecting fears that one of Europe's biggest countries may be lurching toward a civil war that could set Moscow against the West and destabilize the continent, Germany's foreign minister warned: "When the fuse on the powder-keg is already lit, playing for time is highly dangerous."

Frank-Walter Steinmeier urged Yanukovich to make good on a pledge to seek consensus. "Only then is there a realistic chance of a political solution to the confrontation," he added.

Kerry downplays key U.S. senator's opposition on trade talks | Reuters

Secretary of State John Kerry said on Saturday Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's opposition to President Barack Obama's push for authority to fast-track trade deals should not stand in the way of U.S. congressional passage of the measure.

Reid, a Democrat, is the senior member of Obama's party in Congress. On Wednesday, Reid said he was "against fast track" and urged a slow approach to trade negotiations.

"I've heard plenty of statements in the Senate on one day that are categorical, and we've wound up finding accommodation and a way to find our way forward. So this should not be a deterrent, and I hope nobody will let it stand in the way," Kerry added.

In his State of the Union address on Tuesday, Obama asked for fast-track trade negotiation authority. Legislation before the House of Representatives and Senate would grant the White House power to submit free trade deals to Congress for an up-or-down vote, without amendments.

This authority would allow the Obama administration to speed up the negotiations for two massive free trade pacts that would cover about two-thirds of the world's international trade - a pan-Pacific trading bloc and a U.S. agreement with the European Union.

"I think that everyone would be well-advised just to not push this right now," Reid said on Wednesday.

Kerry on Saturday said that "there's a lot of room here still" despite Reid's comments. Also in Munich, another member of Obama's Cabinet, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, underscored Kerry's comments on trade.

"I would hope that this would get done by the United States Senate. It's clearly in everyone's interest," said Hagel, also a former member of the Senate.

"Let's be smart and let's be wise and let's be collaborative and use all of the opportunities and mechanisms that we have to enhance each other - culturally, trade, commerce, exchanges," the Pentagon chief added.

Fast-track authority is seen as a litmus test of political support for free trade deals, which have been opposed by some of Obama's power bases - unions, environmentalists and consumer groups concerned about lost jobs and weaker labor and pollution restrictions.

Top Republicans in the House of Representatives on Thursday called on Obama to "get his own party in line" behind the fast-track trade negotiation authority.

House Speaker John Boehner complained about Reid's stance, saying it would hinder passage of a measure that Obama and many Republicans contend would spur exports and job growth.

米で貿易促進権限法案が暗礁に、「身内」が抵抗 TPP足引っ張る - MSN産経ニュース







NATO chief doesn't see Karzai signing security pact | Reuters

President Hamid Karzai is unlikely to sign a pact for U.S. and NATO forces to stay in Afghanistan after 2014 and will probably leave the choice for his successor, NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen said on Saturday.

Rasmussen acknowledged for the first time on Saturday that he did not expect Karzai to sign the U.S. pact and a similar pact that must be negotiated with other NATO forces.

Instead, he believed Karzai would leave the issue for the president elected in April 5 election.

Karzai has served two terms and cannot run again.

"I think, realistically speaking, a new president will be the one to sign," Rasmussen told reporters during the annual Munich Security Conference.

He said however he was confident that Afghanistan would sign the agreement "at the end of the day" and NATO would still have time to plan its post-2014 mission, even if it was not signed until Karzai's successor was in office.

"Most probably, it will be for a new president to sign a security agreement and in that case we are prepared to stay after 2014," Rasmussen said.

"If we don't get a signature even from a new president, then we will also be prepared to withdraw everything by the end of 2014, because in that case we don't have a legal basis for a continued presence," he said.

Afghan election campaign stirs both violence and hope | Reuters

橋下氏 民意背景に挑発 「劇場型」の政治 - MSN産経ニュース


【橋下氏、出直し選】「乱暴な発想」と与野党が批判 - MSN産経ニュース


「選挙は橋下氏1人で」…他党、不戦敗戦略か - ライブドアニュース



弁護士 落合洋司 主任検事






China says Japan's 'hype' on air defence zone spreads tension | Reuters

China does not feel threatened by countries in Southeast Asia and is optimistic about the situation in the disputed South China Sea, the Foreign Ministry said, warning Japan not to "spread rumors" it plans a new air defense identification zone.

直近の防空圏設定を否定 中国外務省、南シナ海で - MSN産経ニュース




【アメリカを読む】去りゆくバーナンキ氏の「功罪」 - MSN産経ニュース












【日曜経済講座】揺さぶられる貿易立国・日本 貿易赤字、過去最大 論説委員・井伊重之 - MSN産経ニュース








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原発即時ゼロ」の細川護煕候補の演説会。なんと2万人の聴衆が銀座の街を埋め尽くした。#都知事選 では、おそらく、最大の動員数。

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