伊 歌劇場フィルの芸術監督に日本人 NHKニュース


キリンをライオンの餌に 動物園に抗議殺到 NHKニュース


Outrage as giraffe killed, dissected, fed to lions in front of kids at Copenhagen Zoo ― RT News

A Danish zoo has publicly killed and dissected a young giraffe “to avoid inbreeding” and “educate” children on its anatomy. The move, which came despite a massive petition and several offers to save the animal, has sparked public anger and death threats.

【ソチ五輪】4時間待ちは当たり前 入場券だけではダメ 「パスポート」発給にブーイング - ソチ冬季五輪2014 - MSN産経ニュース




Pope more popular than preaching: New poll shows Catholics disagree with doctrine ― RT News

The overwhelming majority of Catholics believe that Pope Francis is doing an excellent or good job. However, they disagree with the church’s teachings on the acute issues of contraception, abortion and divorce, a recent poll shows.





中村うさぎ:そりゃ、そうでしょ! 自分のやったことは、自分の責任じゃん! 当たり前じゃないの、それ?









オランド仏大統領が“単身”訪米  米仏関係の絆を確認 - MSN産経ニュース



独立宣言(1776 年)

独立宣言の執筆に当たり、ジェファソンは、自然権個人の自由という理念を重視した。これらは、17 世紀の哲学者ジョン・ロックらによって広く提唱されていた理念であった。独立宣言の冒頭には、「すべて の人間は生まれながらにして平等であり、その創造主によって、生命、自由、および幸福の追求を含む不 可侵の権利を与えられている」と述べられている。さらにジェファソンは、英国に対する正式な苦情を列 記し、植民地が母国から完全に独立しようとする決断を正当化した。この文書は、1776 年7 月2 日、検 討・討論のため大陸会議に提出され、2 日後の1776 年7 月4 日、大陸会議は満場一致で独立宣言を採択し た。

人類の歴史において、ある国民が、他の国民とを結び付けてきた政治的なきずなを断ち切り、世界の諸 国家の間で、自然の法と自然神の法によって与えられる独立平等の地位を占めることが必要となったとき、 全世界の人々の意見を真摯に尊重するならば、その国の人々は自分たちが分離せざるを得なくなった理由 について公に明言すべきであろう。

われわれは、以下の事実を自明のことと信じる。すなわち、すべての人間は生まれながらにして平等で あり、その創造主によって、生命、自由、および幸福の追求を含む不可侵の権利を与えられているという こと。こうした権利を確保するために、人々の間に政府が樹立され、政府は統治される者の合意に基づい て正当な権力を得る。そして、いかなる形態の政府であれ、政府がこれらの目的に反するようになったと きには、人民には政府を改造または廃止し、新たな政府を樹立し、人民の安全と幸福をもたらす可能性が 最も高いと思われる原理をその基盤とし、人民の安全と幸福をもたらす可能性が最も高いと思われる形の 権力を組織する権利を有するということ、である。もちろん、長年にわたり樹立されている政府を軽々し い一時的な理由で改造すべきではないことは思慮分別が示す通りである。従って、あらゆる経験が示すよ うに、人類は、慣れ親しんでいる形態を廃止することによって自らの状況を正すよりも、弊害が耐えられ るものである限りは、耐えようとする傾向がある。しかし、権力の乱用と権利の侵害が、常に同じ目標に 向けて長期にわたって続き、人民を絶対的な専制の下に置こうとする意図が明らかであるときには、その ような政府を捨て去り、自らの将来の安全のために新たな保障の組織を作ることが、人民の権利であり義 務である。これらの植民地が耐え忍んできた苦難は、まさにそうした事態であり、そして今、まさにその ような必要性によって、彼らはこれまでの政府を変えることを迫られているのである。現在の英国王の治世の歴史は、度重なる不正と権利侵害の歴史であり、そのすべてがこれらの諸邦に対する絶対専制の確立 を直接の目的としている。このことを例証するために、以下の事実をあえて公正に判断する世界の人々に 向けて提示することとする。

アメリカ独立宣言 - Wikipedia




統治二論 - Wikipedia

第一論はロバート・フィルマーによる「国王の絶対的支配権は人類の祖アダムの子どもに対する父権に由来する」という王権神授説に対する反論である。宮沢俊義 > バートランド・ラッセル宮沢俊義 > カント)自由民権運動1)自由民権運動2)「革命の自由」)長谷川三千子は家父長制の復権を公然と唱える)リバタリアンパターナリズム=ナッジ(nudge))

The Brothers Karamazov: A Novel in Four Parts With Epilogue

The Brothers Karamazov: A Novel in Four Parts With Epilogue

「ネット右翼」と「エセ右翼」を『保守論壇亡国論』的視点から考える。「エセ右翼=百田尚樹への宣戦布告(10)」。 - 文藝評論家=山崎行太郎の政治ブログ 『毒蛇山荘日記』


西部邁は、「保守とは何か」という保守の定義や概念にこだわっている 。小林秀雄福田恆存らは、保守思想家だったが、「保守」の定義や概念にはこだわらなかった。彼等の思想や思考が「保守」そのものであって、わざわざ定義や概念にこだわる必要はなかったからだ。ところが、西部邁藤岡信勝、あるいは二流、三流の保守思想家たちの思想や思考は、保守的ではないから、保守や右翼を名乗るためには、定義や概念が必要だったのである。そこに、「保守の堕落」「右翼の堕落」の起源がある。

Netanyahu to talk curbs on Iran with Obama in Washington in March | Reuters

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has condemned a big power deal with Iran on its nuclear activity, said he would meet U.S. President Obama in Washington next month to further the goal of denying Tehran an atomic bomb capability.

シリア和平協議再開 停戦拡大など焦点に NHKニュース


Second round of Syria talks makes faltering start | Reuters

EU ウクライナの改革後押しの方針 NHKニュース


コラム:プーチン大統領の「占領五輪」 | Reuters

By Eugene Kontorovich
















グルジア外相 対ロ関係修復も NHKニュース



Putin ready to meet with Georgian leader, wishes neighbors success at Olympics ― RT Russian politics

Russian President Vladimir Putin has expressed readiness to meet with his Georgian counterpart, if he wishes to, for the first time since relations between the states deteriorated after the 2008 war.

“If he wants to, why not,” Putin answered when asked if he was going to meet Georgian President Giorgi Margvelashvili.

"I would very much like to see the tragedy of the previous years consigned to the past as soon as possible,” Putin told a Georgian journalist at the Sochi Olympics media center. “We understand that it is difficult process, but Russia is committed to the positive development of our relations with Georgia."

Putin also said that as a host country, Russia was happy to see the arrival of the Georgian team at the Olympics. The president added that Russia has resumed regular flights between Sochi and Tbilisi, promising that the route will continue after the Games.

The Russian president said the renewed flight path is “a good sign” and illustrates the Olympics’ ability to “contribute to building relationships, where it seemed to be impossible or very difficult.”

He wished the Georgian athletes the best of luck in the competitions, saying that they were helping to bridge the diplomatic divide that followed the Georgian offensive more than five years ago.

The Olympic Games are helping to build relations with Georgia. I am very happy, and we wish success to the Georgian athletes,” Putin said.

Later on Monday, Georgian President Giorgi Margvelashvili said he intends to seriously consider Putin's statement.

“The Georgian-Russian relations are among the most painful and problematic relationship that Georgian state faces,” Margvelashvili said, adding that he will hold consultations and analyze the proposal.

“We will consult both internally and with Western colleagues and we will think of holding such a meeting,” the Georgian president added.

In November 2013, Margvelashvili became the latest elected president of Georgia. In early January, at a meeting with the Olympic team of his country, he called the trip to the Olympic Games in Russia a “very correct decision.”

‘Georgia not ready to join European Union yet’ – PM ― RT SophieCo

The republic of Georgia, though small in territory, has seen major changes in recent years. Public backlash triggered by a drawn-out confrontation with Russia has brought new faces in power. A young cohort of politicians from the Georgian Dream party is facing a difficult legacy left by ex-president Mikhail Saakashvili. We talk to the nation’s new leader, Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili – the youngest elected leader in the world.

SS: President Saakashvili had a very concrete foreign policy agenda. He wanted ascension to NATO and the European Union. He constantly quarreled with Russia, which ultimately led to a war. How does your foreign policy differ with that of your predecessor?

IG: As for the main priorities of our foreign policy, they remain the same. We made it clear, and I would like to reiterate, that European integration and NATO are the main directions of our foreign policy. These aspirations of ours are supported and nourished by the will of our people who want to see Georgia become a fully-fledged member of the European Union and NATO. You probably know that over 70 percent of our citizens support Georgia’s accession to the European Union and NATO.

The European Union is not some kind of political whim. Let me explain why necessarily the European Union. If we look at the history of Georgia, we will see that our ancestors and our country have always longed for and had aspirations in relation to Europe and European civilization. This is not something we have devised. Thus, we continue what our ancestors started. We are truly attracted by European values.

As for other political aspects, the European Union implies a number of advantages. It will open its market and make it available for Georgian production. And I believe it should make one proud to see products labeled ‘Made in Georgia’ in the European market. This implies gaining a foothold in a different market. As for political aspects, we are talking about safety, security, mobility to and from the EU zone. All this will have an impact on the welfare of our citizens.

SS: You know Europe well…you lived in France and hold a master's from the Sorbonne. The EU is not just a blue flag with stars, but also Europe in crises and numerous Brussels bureaucrats. Politics are mainly dictated by Brussels. Everything starting from agriculture to immigration policies are decided there. Small members aren't really asked their opinion or taken into account. Who decides on political and economic advantages?

IG: So you are referring to the future when we are a member state, right? That is an interesting question. However, I would like to underline one point. We are well aware of all those difficulties that we will have to face and overcome. However, Georgia does not have a better choice. Europe is the only right way. There is nothing better than Europe. You may know of something better. If so, please let me know. Europe, European culture, this is our historical choice. I understand the high level of bureaucracy and I understand that the decision-making process is more complicated there. Yet there is more safety. There are more benefits. This is why we aspire to join Europe.

SS: You say that Georgia shares European values. So do you think Georgia is psychologically ready? For instance, I am thinking about last year's anti-gay protests bashing - is Georgia ready to be tolerant like Europe?

IG: I did not say that we are ready today. What I am saying is that we must develop incrementally, step by step. I say we are not yet. And the European Union knows this better than anyone else. We have many tests to pass. If a student does not do his or her homework, he or she will flunk. This is why there are grades in school. I cannot say in what grade we are now. What I can tell you is that we are moving in the right direction. All I can say is that it takes consistency – I often use this word because that is exactly what we need.

SS: If NATO membership is as important then this precludes good relations with Russia. Russia has said on many occasions that it is against NATO’s eastwards expansion towards its borders. And we are not talking about EU membership here - this is something that threatens Russia's national security. How do you intend to solve this conflict of interests?

IG: Our position concerning NATO remains the same. We have confirmed it more than once and I will confirm it once again. Georgia aspires to become a NATO member state. As for your question how we can match and harmonize those interests, it is a tough question indeed.

Unfortunately, we have failed so far to achieve tangible improvements in relations with Russia. As you know, for years one of the main claims of the Russian government has been the inability to cooperate with the previous government, the government of Mikhail Saakashvili. You remember the previous government’s rhetoric, which was absolutely unacceptable and full of hate speech. We changed this rhetoric. You know we started to reset and improve our relations with Russia. We have spoken about this issue many times. You may know that we publicly expressed our willingness and wish to conduct direct dialogue.

Within this format, bilateral meetings are held between the prime minister’s personal representative and Grigory Karasin. You probably know that the process of successful improvement of what I call technical relations is well underway, meaning improvements in trade relations. As you know, the ban on Georgian wines, mineral waters, and other Georgian products has been lifted. All this is, of course, helpful and serves the purpose of building trust between the Georgian and the Russian peoples. Since we came into power, our European and American partners have constantly urged us to regulate our relations with Russia. This has been their main appeal. It serves our interests as well.

Russia is our neighbor, and warm relations between the Georgians and the Russians have always been in place. And we the Georgians remember these relations that have been and still are between us. You know that up to a million Georgians live in Russia. We fully realize that. In light of all this, the processes along the occupation line seem incomprehensible to us.

SS: It's understandable that relations must be reset, but how exactly will you accomplish this task if you become a NATO member? I repeat that we are not talking about an EU membership, which Russia may or may not like. Russia openly states that if NATO expands near its borders, it will do everything in its power to prevent it. The Russians point out that it will threaten their national security.

IG: Yes, but we must succeed in convincing Russia that Georgia cannot possible pose a threat. The fact that we aspire to join the European Union and NATO does not imply a threat against Russia. This is our task. I understand that it will be difficult. But this is why dialogue is necessary. This is why actual negotiations are necessary. And I would like to say a few words about the conflicts. These conflicts must be resolved. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to hold effective talks with Russia. This is a very painful issue for us.

SS:Do you think that Russia is ready for a serious political dialogue?

IG: I do not know. And this is exactly why our government expresses its will to hold dialogue with Russia. We have already taken that step with a view to resetting and regulating our relations. In my opinion, I truly believe that it is a heavy burden to have recognized Abkhazia and Tskhinval as independent states. And if, as a hope – I am quite optimistic about this issue – the Russian government decides one day to reset relations with Georgia by means of peaceful conflict resolution, it will be the best case scenario.

Let me remind you that under the previous government, when it was absolutely unacceptable for Russia to engage in any type of dialogue with the previous government – and it was openly stated that they would not speak with Saakashvili – even then this process did not occur, meaning the barbwire process. It was not as intensive then. And now when a new government has come into power; now when we have actually changed our rhetoric; now when there is actual willingness to reset our relation and create a means of direct dialogue; it is incomprehensible why they continue this borderization process, installing barbwire so intensively. Thus, we do have a number of questions.

SS: You just mentioned the barbwire. Why are you so optimistic then? In a recent interview Putin said that none of it would have happened had it not been for President Saakashvili’s decision to enter Tskhinval. But since that happened, he believes this process has been completed and is irreversible. Russia recognized Abkhazia and South Ossetia as independent states.

IG: Nonetheless, the same President Putin made a statement about the necessity to build trust between the Russians and the Georgians and that this process must be expedited. This borderization process impedes the process of confidence-building. It is truly incomprehensible to us and our government. On one hand, we honestly want to restore trust among our nations. On the other hand, there is this borderization process which creates a great deal of discomfort: instances of temporary incarceration of people are intensifying; several houses wound up on the other side of the dividing line. Our population is very concerned about all this.

We have all made mistakes. Let us admit that we have all made mistakes in the early 1990s, for example. There is no way only one side can be spotless and unblemished. But we take it close to heart. We are hurt because our Abkhazian and Ossetian brothers no longer live with us. Somehow I believe and I feel that sooner or later the Abkhazians and the Ossetians will be compelled to live with us. And I certainly hope that this dream too will come true.

SS: I have spoken to many Abkhazians and Ossetians. And most of them say “We will coexist with anyone but the Georgians.” Besides, 15 years have passed, a new generation has grown that does not remember Georgia and does not understand why it should be part of Georgia. What would you tell those who'd rather be with anyone else but Georgians?

IG: There are radicals everywhere at any given time. Radicals may exist in Georgia, as well as in Abkhazia or Tskhinval. But I am talking about reasonable people who think rationally about the future of their children and their own future in general. I am not talking about those holding radical views on the Georgians. Even their statement that they do not see themselves coexist with the Georgians seems incomprehensible to me. You have to try really hard to come to dislike coexistence with someone who is earning to coexist with you and who offer you to restore the brotherly relations you once had.

Most importantly, Russia must come to believe that we pose no threat; we cannot possibly pose a threat. We have already proved in the past year that we are not successors to the aggressive and radical policy pursued by the previous government in relation to Russia. And once again, nearly all the countries of the world are trying to maintain normal relations with Russia. Why should our relations with Russia be tense and messy? It makes no sense whatsoever.

SS: The Sochi Olympic Games are a very hotly debated topic in Georgia. Some believe that Georgia must boycott the games, while others think that it should not. What is the official position of Georgia at this point? Is Georgia participating in the Olympics?

IG: We held discussions on this issue, whether or not Georgia should participate in the Olympics. The government made a decision that Georgia will participate in the Sochi Olympics. This decision was made by us in cooperation with the Olympic Committee, of course. Thus, our athletes will participate in the Sochi Olympic Games.

SS: Will you be there to root for your athletes?

IG: No. No delegation of our government will be present in Sochi. Our athletes and senior officials of the Georgian National Olympic Committee will surely be there, though.

SS: Prime minister, thank you very much for the interview.

IG: Thank you. I hope I was quite straightforward. And I think we covered everything.

『危機の二十年――理想と現実 (岩波文庫)』


The Twenty Years' Crisis, 1919-1939: Reissued with new introduction

The Twenty Years' Crisis, 1919-1939: Reissued with new introduction

危機の二十年 - Wikipedia

欧米のソチ五輪批判、冷戦時代のメンタリティーを連想=露大統領 | Reuters



ジョージ・ケナン - Wikipedia

アメリカ外交50年 (岩波現代文庫)

アメリカ外交50年 (岩波現代文庫)

中国 米などの軍事演習に初参加へ NHKニュース


ケネディ大使 きょうから沖縄初訪問 NHKニュース


「辺野古にはジュゴン生息」沖縄2紙が英文で移設反対社説 ケネディ大使訪問で - MSN産経ニュース
EDITORIAL [Dear Madame Ambassador Kennedy]Please Meet with Mayor Inamine | 沖縄タイムス+プラス]
Ryukyu Shimpo – Okinawa, Japanese newspaper, local news » [Editorial]Dear US ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy: We want the US government to change its Futenma replacement policy and cancel Henoko landfill

在日米軍の性犯罪、3分の2が収監せず 除隊や降格どまり AP報道 - MSN産経ニュース





「在日米軍は性犯罪に甘い」と指摘 NHKニュース


Jim Rogers On The Markets: The Most Promising Emerging Markets

The best are places like Myanmar, North Korea, some parts of the Chinese economy. They have said that they are going to give incentives and spend a lot of money in some parts of the economy. You should too.

Russia is in good shape. Russia does not have exchange controls, Russia has huge international reserves, vast natural resource, totally disliked by everybody. I was bearish on Russia for 46 years, even I am putting money in Russia now.

「両岸関係は新たな章に」中台が当局間公式会談 分断後初 - MSN産経ニュース








China, Taiwan hold highest-level talks since 1949 | Reuters

Russia says draft U.N. resolution on Syria aid 'one-sided' | Reuters

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday a draft U.N. resolution on aid access in Syria was "detached from reality" and urged the West to refrain from what it called one-sided accusations against Damascus.

"Our Western partners in the Security Council ... proposed that we cooperate in working out a resolution. The ideas they shared with us were absolutely one-sided and detached from reality," the Interfax news agency quoted Lavrov as saying after talks with Algerian Foreign Minister Ramtane Lamamra.

Twitter / quantumLeaf: @SophieCo_RT do RT release

@SophieCo_RT do RT release subtitled versions of your interviews? I'd much rather have heard your interview with Sochi mayor without dubbing

Twitter / SophieCo_RT: @quantumLeaf i doubt they do

i doubt they do subtitles for the russian version of the broadcast

Twitter / SophieCo_RT: @quantumLeaf but if you can

but if you can do russian here's the original