Twitter / ianbremmer: By the 7th round of sanctions

By the 7th round of sanctions against Russia, you start to get the sense that they're not working.

Twitter / ianbremmer: If purpose of escalating US

If purpose of escalating US sanctions against Russia are to moderate Putin's behavior in Ukraine, they will fail spectacularly.

Sanseido Word-Wise Web [三省堂辞書サイト] » 【今週のことわざ】過ちを改めざるこれを…


過ちを改むるにはばかることなかれの英語・英訳 - 英和辞典・和英辞典 Weblio辞書

It is never too late to mend.

教訓 233. 過失は率直に認め、改めよ。

A fault confessed is half redressed.《過失を認めれば、償いは半ばすんでいる》

過ちては改むるに憚ること勿れ - 故事ことわざ辞典

It is never too late to mend.(行いを改めるのに、遅すぎることはない)
To err is human, to forgive divine.(過ちは人の常、許すは神の心)