米大統領 家庭や労働者の負担減へ企業の競争促す大統領令 署名 #nhk_news https://t.co/uYs656uMwx
— NHKニュース (@nhk_news) 2021年7月9日
COVID-19 has highlighted how digital tools can save lives. I’m encouraged by @ExemplarsHealth research highlighting how technologies in Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Burkina Faso, Uganda, South Africa, and Vietnam can be scaled to detect and respond to pandemics. https://t.co/x1W7IyhSnP
— Bill Gates (@BillGates) 2021年7月9日
BOMBSHELL TEXT: For 30 years, Joe Biden received HALF of the Crime Family's money
— Rudy W. Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) 2021年7月9日
I go over the evidence with @mirandadevine in my latest episode of Common Sense. Listen wherever you get your audio podcasts or watch by clicking the link here: https://t.co/78mC7BEV8f pic.twitter.com/UDEyLAaOt7
(速報)今週、ペンシルベニア州議会の上院は、2020年大統領選のフォレンジック選挙監査を発表したが、バイデン大統領は、急遽、来週火曜日にこれを阻止すべくペンシルベニア州へ向かい演説を行う事となった。 https://t.co/2TBApZZJ6Z
— トランプ大統領ツイート日本語訳(📝 解説付き)非公式 (@TrumpTrackerJP) 2021年7月10日
New Evidence Indicates Enough Illegal Votes In Georgia To Tip 2020 https://t.co/VBMfx8cjDE
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) 2021年7月9日
AZ: If Maricopa County BOS and their vendors had cooperated with the Senate subpoena, the audit would have been complete weeks ago.
— Audit War Room (@AuditWarRoom) 2021年7月9日
Why are they stalling it?
“Through these lawsuits, I intend to restore free speech for all Americans—Democrats, Republicans and independents. I will never stop fighting to defend the constitutional rights and sacred liberties of the American people.”https://t.co/Zy7DNfWNCV
— Jenna Ellis (@JennaEllisEsq) 2021年7月9日
The Left is very good at playing language games, especially with Critical Race Theory: They try to make something invidious sound like it's innocuous. pic.twitter.com/iOX7M7LvTZ
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) 2021年7月9日
Today’s CCP - which celebrated its 100th anniversary last week - reflects the worst of humanity’s harsh and barbaric past. The United States and our allies must ensure that it does not command humanity’s future. https://t.co/CZjOFhcxEv
— Mike Pompeo (@mikepompeo) 2021年7月9日
They can keep calling us deplorables, clowns, ignorant and rednecks. We should wear those labels as badges of honor, because nothing could be more important than defending our freedoms.
— Mike Pompeo (@mikepompeo) 2021年7月9日