動画:米大統領に「くたばれバイデン」、サンタ追跡イベントの最中に pic.twitter.com/0S1M42yYYD
— ロイター (@ReutersJapan) 2021年12月27日
'Let's go, Brandon'
米 石炭火力の発電量 7年ぶり増加見通し 気候変動政策に課題 #nhk_news https://t.co/7aKfMqqwDb
— NHKニュース (@nhk_news) 2021年12月26日
They said the vaccine stopped transmission. Now they are lying and saying they didn’t.
— Cernovich (@Cernovich) 2021年12月26日
Video proof here 👇
They lied.
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) 2021年12月26日
I’m so glad I did not get to the “vaccine”, which does NOTHING to stop the spread of Covid.
The rest of you are clowns for allowing them to get away with such blatant lies. https://t.co/16AGxzvbWW
My New Year’s Resolution this year is the same as it’s been for many years:
— Jenna Ellis (@JennaEllisEsq) 2021年12月27日
Trust God *even more*.
This is the great adventure of living life faithful to His calling and holding everything else loosely. I don’t know what 2022 in store, but I know I will trust Him. Job 13:15 🌟 pic.twitter.com/hin0X7S8zC
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) 2021年12月27日
Oh yeah, and he also tortured and murdered over 60 million people. https://t.co/5JKjHIXeN4
Putin takes Biden’s threats with a grain of salt. It’s going to take demonstrated resolve - not just words, but deeds. He’s prepared to push the Biden Administration to the edge to get what he wants. pic.twitter.com/krQRFUKXXd
— Mike Pompeo (@mikepompeo) 2021年12月26日
Being a Christian means living out Christian virtue wherever you find yourself: in your job, your community, and, most importantly, in your church and family.
— Mike Pompeo (@mikepompeo) 2021年12月26日