(Via interpreter) I did not say that Assad has to go or that Assad has to stay. I said that Assad’s destiny should be decided by the Syrian people, as well as all other aspects of further development of the Syrian state.)

Finian Cunningham - Why Europe Needs to Back Russia’s Syria Policy - Strategic Culture Foundation

ヨーロッパはなぜロシアのシリア政策を支持する必要があるのか: マスコミに載らない海外記事








#EU #ドイツ #メルケル #フランス

US wants cooperation with Russia, but Moscow must ‘decide to settle political part’ in Syria – Kerry — RT News

In an interview with the Russian-based interstate MIR TV channel, US Secretary of State John Kerry claimed the US seeks multidimensional cooperation with Russia, including both economic development and resolution of ongoing crises in Syria and Ukraine.

Kerry emphasized the important role Russia is playing in resolving the Syrian conflict and stressed the necessity of cooperation with a “major power with very capable air forces” in the interview.

“Of course, we are coordinating and will coordinate with Russia,” he said referring to the situation in Syria.

The US secretary of state also admitted that the US “would like to be able to do more with Russia” in Syria, but said that it could be possible only if “Russia really makes a decision… to help settle the political part of the war.”

At the same time, Kerry stressed that the Assad regime still remains a problem for the US and its allies, as “Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, other countries and the opposition will not stop fighting Assad.”

However, instead of insisting that Bashar Assad should be ousted from power, Kerry claimed that “the way to end the war is to ask Assad to help with a transition into a new government,” thus admitting that current Syrian president should play a role in the future political process in the country.

John Kerry also praised the last meeting on Syria in Vienna by saying that “Russia and the US together helped to forge a step forward… that could begin to shape the possibility of a peace” adding that the US “would clearly like to cooperate and not to be in opposition” with Russia.

Concerning economic cooperation, Kerry claimed that he has repeatedly told Russian president Vladimir Putin as well as Chinese leader Xi Jinping that “we need to work together on development issues.”

“There is no ‘Big Game’ in it at all. This is about everybody benefitting, including Russia and China as well as other countries,” he said adding the US has begun cooperating with China in this field and “would like obviously to do more with other partners.”

Kerry also said that the aim of the US’s economic cooperation policy is to “raise the standards” for workforce protection and the quality of workplaces, as well as to invite other countries to join “initiatives, such as Transpacific Partnership (TPP).”

“We welcome China, Russia and other countries, who would like to join [the TPP], as long as they want to raise the standards and live up to [them] … doing business openly, transparently and accountably,” John Kerry said in an interview.

Speaking about recent developments in Ukraine, Kerry stressed that resolving the crisis is “an issue of an agreement – the Minsk agreement,” which must be implemented – thus, de facto, echoing Russia’s stance on the issue.

The US secretary of state also emphasized that the implementation of the Minsk agreement envisages special status for the Eastern Ukrainian regions and talked about the possibility of lifting sanctions and improving relations with Russia.

If all the provisions of the Minsk agreement are implemented, “then sanctions will be lifted and we can go back to relationship that … will begin to reduce tensions that have existed for the past couple of years,” he said.


Russian, US air forces hold joint exercises in Syria — RT News

Russian and US air forces have staged joint drills to practice air safety measures in the skies over Syria, according to the Russian General Staff, which also reported that its military has begun to coordinate with Syria’s moderate opposition forces.

In the course of the drills, both the air crews and ground services of Russian and US forces drilled procedures aimed at avoiding problems in case the two countries’ military aircraft find themselves in dangerous proximity in Syria’s skies, Russian General Staff spokesman Colonel General Andrey Kartapolov said on Tuesday.

“The exercises took place at 11:00 Moscow time (08:00 GMT) [on Tuesday],” he added.

The joint drills come after Moscow and Washington signed a “deconfliction” memorandum last week to ensure air safety over Syria.

Meanwhile, Pentagon spokesperson Captain Jeff Davis has denied that the action was a joint exercise, instead calling it a “communications test.”

“The test was conducted. This test was a prudent measure solely to ensure that, in the event coalition aircraft encounter a Russian aircraft during operations in Syria, one of the established and agreed upon modes of communication in the agreement functioned,” Davis said in a statement.

『世界の諸地域NOW 2013―図説地理資料』

アラブの春」は2011年3月にシリアにも波及し、民主化と強権体制の打倒を求める市民の散発的デモが発生した。これに対し、政府が軍を動員して徹底弾圧を試みると、武装集団が市民に代わって台頭し、外国の介入を招き入れることで対抗しようとした。シリアの外交姿勢をかねてから快く思っていなかった欧米諸国、トルコ、カタールサウジアラビアといった国々は、この機に乗じて人権擁護という名目のもと経済制裁を科し、政権に退陣を求めた。一方、ロシア、中国、イランといった国々は、シリア政府と反体制派の対話にもとづく紛争解決を目指した。両陣営の対立によって国連の紛争解決機能がまひするなか、欧米諸国、湾岸アラブ諸国、トルコは武装集団への資金・武器援助を本格化させるだけでなく、過激なイスラーム主義者をシリアに潜入させるなどして混乱を助長した。その結果、シリアの「アラブの春」は国際問題化し、「民主化」や「人権擁護」といった当初の目的は逸脱してシリアの弱体化を招き、一般の市民は紛争の当事者ではなく被害者として紛争の蚊帳の外に置かれてしまった。(東京外国語大学 青山 弘之)

露旅客機は爆破された可能性が高まり、疑惑の目が向けられているサウジは米国やイスラエルと同盟 | 《櫻井ジャーナル》


 こうしたブレジンスキーの戦略に基づいてCIAは1979年4月にイスラム武装勢力の編成と支援プロジェクトを開始(Alfred W. McCoy, “The Politics Of Heroin”, Lawrence Hill Books, 1991)、7月にカーター大統領はアフガニスタン武装勢力に対する秘密支援を承認した。そして12月にソ連軍をアフガニスタンへ引きずり込むことに成功した。

 後にフランスのヌーベル・オプセルヴァトゥール誌からブレジンスキーはインタビューを受け、ソ連を挑発するために実行した秘密工作について質問され、戦争を始めたことに後悔はないかと聞かれた。それに対してブレジンスキーは後悔していないと答え、「秘密工作はすばらしいアイデアだった」とも語っている。(Le Nouvel Observateur, January 15-21, 1998)










