Russia hits back at US ‘barefaced cynicism and double standards’ over Ukraine ― RT News

The Russian Foreign Ministry has accused the US State Department of double standards and low-level propaganda after it published a list of President Vladimir Putin’s “false claims” about the events in Ukraine.

“The State Department is trying to play on a shamelessly one-sided interpretation of the events,” ministry spokesperson Aleksandr Lukashevich said on Thursday. “Surely, Washington cannot admit that they were nurturing Maidan [protests], encouraging the violent overthrow of the legitimate government, and thus clearing the way for those who are now pretending to be a legitimate power in Kiev.

Moscow said that it will not respond to such “low-level propaganda.”

“We will only say, yet again, that we are dealing with unacceptable arrogance and a pretense of having a monopoly on the truth,” Lukashevich said in a statement posted on the Foreign Ministry’s website.

The United States has “no moral right” to lecture about observing international laws and respecting the sovereignty of other states, the diplomat added.

Hillary Clinton compares Russian president’s actions to Hitler ― RT News

Clinton is not the first politician to make the comparison. Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird and his Czech counterpart, Karel Schwarzenberg, have both drawn parallels with Nazi Germany.

Kathryn Stoner, a Russia expert at Stanford University's Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, told AP that Clinton’s comparison was a little over-the-top. She said Putin “doesn't look like he is intent on spreading across the Ukraine and permanently occupying this area.”

In response to US claims Russia was acting illegitimately, Putin referenced America’s history of military intervention.

“When I ask them ‘Do you believe you do everything legitimately,’ they say ‘Yes.’ And I have to remind them about the US actions in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, where they acted either without any UN Security Council mandate or through perverting a mandate, as was the case in Libya,” Putin said.

Russia regards Kiev’s self-proclaimed government as illegitimate and condemns the violent coup that led to its establishment on February 22.

'US using their Africa and Middle East strategy in Ukraine' ― RT Op-Edge

The US establishes strategic networks around globe, some linked to humanitarian organizations, and some to fascist organizations and individuals who will do their dirty work, Scott Rickard, former intelligence officer for the NSA, told RT.

Rickard, who also worked for the USAF and the Directorate of National Intelligence, believes that no doubt Yanukovich was very corrupt, and the uprising can’t of course be called peaceful, although it started out that way.

“When you are throwing thousands of Molotov cocktails and you are being funded – this is a very strategic network that these NGOs have and they have been operating in Ukraine for decades. These individuals have ties at the greatest levels into humanitarian organizations, all the way up to the best side of the things and all the way down into the fascist organizations for the individuals that will do dirty work for them,” Rickard said.

Rickard also argues that “the CIA has operated like this in South America, they have operated like this in Africa” and there is nothing surprising that “they are going to do this in Ukraine.”

Foreign policy expert, Nebojsa Malic, believes that the West is sticking to its usual strategy: an “absolute denial of reality when it suits their aims.”

“Unfortunately, neither the Europeans nor the Americans generally allow facts to get in the way of a good story and what Mr Kerry said, the fairy tale about peaceful protesters being murdered by the government, that’s their fairy tale and they are sticking to it,” Malic told RT.

British Labour Party politician and MP Jeremy Corbyn suggests that the Western authorities should address a number of issues related to the Ukrainian crisis, namely the nature of some of the protesters and the question of representation of different nationalities living in Ukraine.

“I think [there are] two issues that the Western governments have got to address: that the far-right forces that were active at the central square in Kiev, quite racist organizations, seem to be largely ignored by the Western media in the run-up to the removal of President Yanukovich; secondly, they have to recognize that any government in Ukraine has got to make itself representative of all the people of Ukraine, whether they are Russian-speaking, Ukrainian-speaking, Tatar people or whatever group they are from. Surely that has to be the right way forward and I hope it will be the way forward. Otherwise, fundamental instability is going to be there for a long time to come,” Corbyn said.

He also added that “those forces that were active in opposing Yanukovich’s government included very genuine people who were concerned about corruption and efficiency and mismanagement, but they also included some very nasty forces that seem quite happy to be associated with Nazi and neo-Nazi insignia.”

Corbyn claims that “what is happening in Ukraine is going to have to be resolved politically” without any foreign intervention.

“I think military intervention by anyone is wrong and I think expansion of NATO beyond its existing area is also wrong and I regret that the Organization for security and cooperation in Europe wasn’t given the premier role it should have been given at the end of the Cold War,” he told RT.

世界の「人類削減計画派」が中国の習近平国家主席の「国防予算増大」を餌食に「第3次世界大戦」を策謀する - 板垣 英憲(いたがき えいけん)「マスコミに出ない政治経済の裏話」


内戦勃発になりかねないウクライナ危機の本質 佐藤優氏(作家・元外務省主任分析官) - MSN産経ニュース









× ロシア
○ アメリ

【ウクライナ情勢】プーチン氏を全面支持 シリア大統領 - MSN産経ニュース



シリア大統領ロシアに連帯表明 NHKニュース


【ウクライナ情勢】OSCE調査団、クリミアに入れず - MSN産経ニュース





ウクライナ、ロシア軍介入拡大なら武力で自国防衛の用意=首相 | Reuters


ウクライナ首相 分離は許さず NHKニュース



ロシア編入の是非問うクリミア住民投票は国際法違反=米大統領 | Reuters




ウクライナ問題で資産凍結・渡航禁止、オバマ米大統領が制裁発動 | Reuters




【ウクライナ情勢】米、露に制裁発動 渡航禁止・在外資産凍結 - MSN産経ニュース


米 対ロシア制裁の議論本格化 NHKニュース


US imposes visa restrictions on Russians, Crimeans who ‘threaten Ukraine security’ ― RT News
US navy confirms missile destroyer USS Truxton approaching the Black Sea ― RT News

The US Navy has confirmed that a guided missile destroyer, the USS Truxton, is heading to the Black Sea, for what the US military said is a “routine” deployment, decided long before the crisis in Ukraine, which has divided world powers.

The US Navy said in a statement that the USS Truxton left Greece on Thursday on the way to the Black Sea and was going to conduct training with the Romanian and Bulgarian navy.

“While in the Black Sea, the ship will conduct a port visit and routine, previously planned exercises with allies and partners in the region,” The US Navy said in statement.

“Truxton’s operations in the Black Sea were scheduled well in advance of her departure from the United States,” the statement added.

The ship has a crew of about 300 and is part of an aircraft carrier strike group that left the US in mid-February.

The announcement comes after Turkish authorities confirmed on Wednesday they had given permission to a US navy warship to pass through the Bosphorus Straights, which is the only entrance to the Black Sea, it was reported in the Hurriyet Daily News.

However, Turkish sources told the Hurriyet Daily News that the ship in question was not the nuclear aircraft carrier, the USS George H.W. Bush, as was suggested in some news reports. The USS George Bush is too heavy in terms of tonnage to meet the standards of the Montreaux Convention, which governs what can and can’t access the Black Sea.

The Pentagon also said on Wednesday that US fighter jets would join NATO patrols on missions in the Baltic countries, which include Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

On Sunday the Tass news agency reported that the guided missile frigate USS Taylor, which had been assigned to the Black Sea for the Sochi Winter Olympics, was still in the Turkish port of Samsun for repairs, after running aground on February 12.

Two Russian navy ships also entered the Black Sea through the Bosphorus on Tuesday, as well as a Ukrainian navy vessel which was heading for Odessa and not the Crimea.

ウクライナ:米海軍イージス艦がギリシャから黒海に航行中 - 毎日新聞



オバマ大統領は世界の“言うだけ番長”? 対露制裁で批判払拭狙うが… - ZAKZAK



USS Truxtun (DDG-103) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
USS Truxtun (DDG 103) | Facebook
イージス艦 - Wikipedia


イージス艦の撃沈の仕方 - Yahoo!知恵袋
イージスシステムなどを搭載した現代艦を撃沈することは可能ですか? - Yahoo!知恵袋
イージス艦を沈めるには (1/2) - その他(社会) - 教えて!goo
核ミサイル - Wikipedia


対艦ミサイル - Wikipedia


対艦弾道ミサイル (ASBM)とは海上の艦船を対象とした準中距離または中距離の弾道ミサイルである。通常速度はマッハ10で現時点では最終段階において艦船に搭載される防御システムではイージス艦搭載のSM-3弾道弾迎撃ミサイル以外には対抗手段が無い。

Twitter / BMDRamos: @Polly_Boiko, @Gayane_RT,

Will Nobel Peace Prize Laureate starts WWIII?最後通牒自分の思い通りにいかない時に、怒ったり、イライラしたりして、自分の望むものが得られたでしょうか。) fact, his deepest failures have occurred when he has veered off his path.)

オバマ米大統領、ロシア大統領とウクライナ情勢めぐり協議 外交的解決促す=ホワイトハウス | Reuters




クリミアで合法的な軍はロシア軍のみ=副首相 | Reuters




ロシア 領土編入の審議開始へ NHKニュース




Lawmakers ready to pass bill allowing acceptance of Crimea into Russian Federation ― RT Russian politics

米ロ外相、ウクライナ問題で合意得られず=インタファクス通信 | Reuters





EU首脳 対ロ段階的制裁発表 NHKニュース


EU halts visa-free talks with Russia, Moscow warns will react to ‘politicized’ step ― RT News

EUが天然ガス供給の混乱警戒、ウクライナ情勢受け | Reuters




ロシア、米国抜きでIMF改革進めること提案=G20関係筋 | Reuters




「ビットコイン創始者に取材」 NHKニュース


仮想通貨創始者とされる男性「無関係」 NHKニュース


Alleged Bitcoin creator taken on wild car chase by media ― RT USA

テレビ朝日社長に吉田氏 早河氏は会長兼CEO - MSN産経ニュース


発言要旨などに限定 閣議議事録の公開 - MSN産経ニュース


Twitter / SophieCo_RT: #Sochi2014 #Paralympics just

#Sochi2014 #Paralympics just hours away! Spoke to amazing Sir Philip Craven -#IPC President & five-time Paralympian, watch today on @RT_com

Twitter / SophieCo_RT: '#Paralympians don’t worry

'#Paralympians don’t worry about what doesn’t work - they maximize what does' - #Paralympic Pres. Sir Philip Craven

Twitter / SophieCo_RT: Take a breather from all the

Take a breather from all the doom and gloom in Ukraine - see what human spirit is capable of at the #Paralympics

IPC President Sir Philip Craven: Paralympians fight for their rights, freedoms ― RT SophieCo

​Whitewashing Ukraine’s Nazi collaborators ‘morally repulsive’ – Russia’s UN envoy ― RT News

Attempts to whitewash the backgrounds of Ukrainian nationalists who openly cooperated with the Nazis and committed mass murders in WWII are “morally repulsive,” and encourage “nationalist ideology, extremism and intolerance,” Russia’s UN envoy says.

“It is deeply disturbing that the followers of [Stepan] Bandera are openly marching these days in Ukraine, displaying his portraits and fascist insignia, and are wielding considerable political power in Kiev,” Vitaly Churkin said after Thursday's Security Council meeting in response to response to comments made earlier by Ukrainian Ambassador to the UN Yury Sergeyev.

Attempts to whitewash them “are not only morally repulsive, they amount to encouraging nationalist ideology, extremism and intolerance,” Churkin stated.

ロシアとウクライナの戦争は起こらない=ロシア上院議長 | Reuters



ウクライナ問題、制裁は解決への最善策ではない=中国外務省 | Reuters



【ウクライナ情勢】中国外務省、米・EUの対ロシア制裁に反対 - MSN産経ニュース


Cold War past shapes complex Merkel-Putin relationship | Reuters

After one of her first encounters with Vladimir Putin in 2002, Angela Merkel joked to aides that she had passed the "KGB test" by staring straight into his eyes without averting her gaze.

Unlike presidents in Washington - George W. Bush claimed to have gotten a glimpse of Putin's soul and Barack Obama promised to "reset" relations with Russia - the German chancellor has never harbored any illusions about the former Soviet agent, nor hopes that she might change him.

It is this hard-nosed realism, born of Merkel's own experience growing up in a Soviet garrison town in East Germany and reinforced over a turbulent 14-year relationship with Putin, that has earned her respect in the Kremlin and thrust her into the potentially risky role of chief mediator in the Ukraine crisis.

When Merkel and Putin interact it is a clash of polar opposite world views, aides to the chancellor say.

For Merkel, the physicist, the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 was a godsend that launched her extraordinary career as a politician.

For Putin, who was living in the East German city of Dresden at the time, it was a calamity that led within two short years to the collapse of the Soviet Union - an event the Russian leader has described as the biggest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century.

But despite different outlooks, Merkel and Putin, born less than two years apart, speak each other's language - literally and figuratively.

Merkel, a fan of Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, won a trip to Moscow as a teenager for her mastery of the Russian language.

Putin's favorite subject in school was German, which he perfected during his half decade as a KGB officer in Dresden, later sending his daughters to the German school in Moscow.

On Merkel's first trip to Moscow as chancellor, the two leaders conversed in their native tongues with translators present, but found themselves interjecting repeatedly to correct the interpreters. Aides say their conversations follow the same pattern to this day.

"They have been working together for over a decade," said Alexander Rahr, head of the German-Russian forum in Berlin. "It hasn't always been smooth, but Putin knows Merkel better and respects her more than the other leaders. He's never had a good relationship with Obama."

Since the overthrow of Ukraine's pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovich last month and Putin's decision to respond by tightening Russia's grip on Crimea, the autonomous southern region of Ukraine, the two leaders have talked on the phone roughly half a dozen times.

The conversations have not been easy, according to German sources.

Putin speaks a lot, sometimes endlessly. At times emotional and angry, he tries to bully with a mix of genuine and calculated outrage. The reserved Merkel waits patiently for the right time to make her points.

"It is always exhausting, always a battle - intense," one senior German official told Reuters.

In his 2013 biography of Merkel, Stefan Kornelius likened them to an old married couple who know all of each other's tricks and can anticipate what they are going to say next.

Merkel has described her conversations with Putin as challenging tests for her own arguments. She feels that she cannot afford to show any weakness.

In a conversation with the White House on Sunday that followed a chat with Putin, she reportedly told Obama that the Russian leader appeared to be "in another world", out of touch with reality.

In public, Merkel took care not to criticize Putin too loudly in the first weeks of the Ukraine crisis, fearing it would backfire and make the Russian leader harden his positions.

That changed last weekend when an unusually tough statement from her office said she had accused Putin in a phone call of breaching international law with his "unacceptable intervention" in Crimea.

On Thursday in Brussels, she said the EU would follow the United States in introducing visa bans and asset freezes unless Putin moved quickly towards a negotiated settlement on Ukraine.

The new tone was a reminder of the different world views in a relationship that is based firmly on strategic interests rather than friendship.

In 2005, Merkel defeated the Russian's close ally Gerhard Schroeder, who had once referred to Putin as a "flawless democrat". Within weeks of leaving office, Schroeder took a job as board chairman of Nord Stream, the pipeline majority-owned by Russian gas monopoly Gazprom.

On her first visit to Moscow as chancellor she made a point of inviting human rights campaigners and opposition figures to a reception at the German embassy, something Schroeder would never have done.

A year later, when Merkel paid a visit to the president's Black Sea residence in Crimea, Putin infuriated the Germans by allowing his big black labrador Koni to bound into the room while cameras were running, ignoring warnings from protocol that the chancellor has a fear of dogs.

More recently, the two clashed at an exhibition at the Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, which included German art seized by the Soviets at the end of World War Two. In a tense exchange at the opening last June, Merkel demanded the works be returned to Germany, only to be rebuffed by Putin.

Amid the sparring, Merkel has also sided with Putin at key moments, bolstering her credibility in Moscow as an honest broker.

At a NATO summit in Bucharest in 2008, Merkel refused to bow to pressure from Bush and other leaders to put Georgia and Ukraine on track for membership in the western military alliance, a move the German leader knew would infuriate Putin.

She also sided with Russia in abstaining from the 2011 U.N. vote authorizing intervention in Libya and pleased Putin with her sharp public criticism of the United States last year following reports the National Security Agency had monitored her mobile phone.

"What is important for Putin is what Merkel thinks, what China thinks and what the CIS countries think," a senior Russian security source told Reuters, dismissing the largely symbolic measures unveiled by Obama on Thursday as having zero impact on the Russian leader.

Still, even members of Merkel's entourage believe that her ability to sway Putin is limited. In the Ukraine crisis, they say, the Russian leader's behavior has been driven primarily by domestic considerations.

By embracing the role of mediator, Merkel is running a big risk. She has urged western partners to give Putin more time before punishing Moscow with really punitive economic sanctions.

This stance that reflects German fears of the geopolitical consequences of an isolated Russia as much as it does concern about its business interests and energy ties. Germany gets over a third of its oil and gas from Russia and more than 6,000 German firms are active in the country.

But if Putin refuses to follow her advice on pursuing a negotiated solution to the Ukraine crisis and consolidates Russian control of Crimea in the days ahead, she runs the risk of looking soft and naive.

"Merkel's chances of influencing Putin are overstated," said Stefan Meister of the European Council on Foreign Relations.

"She has a relationship with him, there is a certain trust and he listens to her, but there are limits to what impact that might have," he said. "Putin has a very clear strategic goal in Crimea and he is not going to be persuaded by Germany."