AP-NORC poll: Roughly two-thirds of Americans say they don't think the war in Afghanistan was worth fighting.
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) 2021年8月19日
JUST IN 🚨 President Biden told ABC News Taliban have not changed, despite agreement and also to rely on them for safe exit
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) 2021年8月19日
Joe Biden said on Monday that the speed of the Taliban's advance across Afghanistan took them by surprise
— Yalda Hakim (@BBCYaldaHakim) 2021年8月20日
SCOOP: An internal State Department cable in JULY warned of the Taliban’s quick advance and Kabul’s collapse https://t.co/C4VCkryioM via @WSJ @vmsalama
米国務省機密電文、7月にアフガン政府崩壊を警告していた#アフガニスタン #タリバンhttps://t.co/pUA4v6qNR9
— ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル日本版 (@WSJJapan) 2021年8月20日
ALERT - This video of Biden saying Taliban will not take over Afghanistan has gained 10 million views and you know whypic.twitter.com/lBm5mK26e1
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) 2021年8月19日
— トランプ前大統領ニュース (@TrumpTrackerJP) August 19, 2021
CNN reports: at Kabul airport “12 people have been killed” amid a “soundtrack of gunfire” in Afghanistan pic.twitter.com/luvkwBg49s
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 19, 2021
— トランプ前大統領ニュース (@TrumpTrackerJP) August 19, 2021
'Appointments across the national security structure are a reflection of the arrogance that has accompanied the arrival of this team. They came in largely ignoring the worries and warnings of institutional experts on several major international issues.' https://t.co/1Z3Gcm29Lv
— Yalda Hakim (@BBCYaldaHakim) 2021年8月19日
Release The Biden Tapes @GStephanopoulos @ABC!
— The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸 (@ColumbiaBugle) August 20, 2021
Tucker Carlson: "ABC News appears to have chosen to edit out portions that made Joe Biden look, how to put it, not Presidential, incoherent, confused." #ReleaseTheTapes pic.twitter.com/nvNWyPFc1A
【新着記事】衛藤 幹子: クオモ兄弟にみる政治とメディアのズブズブ感 https://t.co/FzAneRO3yX pic.twitter.com/eUbRUoIiQE
— アゴラ (@agora_japan) August 19, 2021
.@DeptofDefense press briefing – LIVE on C-SPAN https://t.co/8wG8gUg0bU pic.twitter.com/54TIJPiibS
— CSPAN (@cspan) 2021年8月19日
Major General Hank Taylor: "The air capacity is set...that ability to air move up to 5,000 to 9,000 a day has been set and continues."
— CSPAN (@cspan) 2021年8月19日
Full video here: https://t.co/8wG8gTYpkm pic.twitter.com/l1sdPGKTpY
Q: "Do they have the ability to expand the perimeter of the airport?"@PentagonPresSec: "There's no plans to expand beyond that."
— CSPAN (@cspan) 2021年8月19日
Full video here: https://t.co/8wG8gTYpkm pic.twitter.com/d1l15cP6jd
.@StateDept press briefing - LIVE online here: https://t.co/v4wK5yIDBv pic.twitter.com/fheCGgP9wh
— CSPAN (@cspan) 2021年8月19日
.@StateDeptSpox: "We're aware of congestion around the airport. We are working closely with the Department of Defense to facilitate safe and orderly access..."
— CSPAN (@cspan) 2021年8月19日
Full video here: https://t.co/81B0EZ4DIu pic.twitter.com/N2zL74p6Lh
.@StateDeptSpox on COVID-19 testing in Afghanistan: "In Kabul, at the airport, we don't at present have the capacity to test every one of them."
— CSPAN (@cspan) 2021年8月19日
Full video here: https://t.co/81B0EZ4DIu pic.twitter.com/RpZ1y2RTz0
CNN: The Biden administration is “telling these Americans to go to the airport but they’re not telling them that they’ll necessarily get there safely.”
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 19, 2021
“There hasn’t been safe passage” traveling to the Kabul airport. pic.twitter.com/BHmtIapboA
Bret Baier to Biden Pentagon Spokesman John Kirby: "If the British can take their paratroopers and they can get in vehicles and go get their people and get them to the airport, why can't the U.S. do that?”
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) 2021年8月19日
Kirby has no answer. pic.twitter.com/xFEUOM04dQ
Americans stuck in Afghanistan have to file this Repatriation form which shows the cost of the flight (which may exceed $2000) and tells that US embassy cannot help with transportation to Kabul airport pic.twitter.com/7Wvnq91klF
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) 2021年8月19日
NEW: The Biden admin is STILL informing Americans in Afghanistan as of this evening they may have to pay more than $2,000 for an evacuation flight out of the country despite the State Dept telling the press hours ago that they would not
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) August 20, 2021
via @AndrewKerrNC https://t.co/w1eFlDlr6O
.@StateDeptSpox Ned Price said four hours ago “In these unique circumstances, we have no intention of seeking any reimbursement from those fleeing Afghanistan.”
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) August 20, 2021
This is what the form Americans have to complete in order to get a flight out of the country looks like now 👇 pic.twitter.com/4lvg9AvQri
NEW 🚨 Afghans handing over their kids to troops at Kabul Airport amid chaotic situation outside the airport pic.twitter.com/U9icWgCErK
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) 2021年8月20日
NEW 🚨 Afghans who boarded US military planes in Kabul are all inside one airport hangar for a stop-over in Qatar. The facility reportedly has only one toilet. pic.twitter.com/yzaJJshNZ2
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) 2021年8月20日
STORY: An Afghan American scholar describes his fear-filled journey from the chaos at Kabul airport to a plane bound for home in the US https://t.co/xNtc2NYCPo
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) 2021年8月19日
BREAKING 🚨 Biden leaving for Wilmington, Delaware on Friday amid chaotic situation in Afghanistan, as per White House schedule pic.twitter.com/TpfjFVpPhD
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) 2021年8月20日
米副大統領 20日から東南アジアへ 中国の行動抑え込みたい考え #nhk_news https://t.co/2yFEYfJY5W
— NHKニュース (@nhk_news) 2021年8月20日
アメリカ ホワイトハウスは19日、ハリス副大統領が20日から26日までの日程でシンガポールとベトナムを訪問すると発表しました。
NEW POLL: Most voters believe it’s likely that President Joe Biden won’t finish out his term of office, and don’t think Vice President Kamala Harris is ready to step up to replace him. - Rasmussen Reports pic.twitter.com/5c8o7Nk4om
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) 2021年8月19日
— 藤原直哉 (@naoyafujiwara) August 20, 2021
VIDEO: Trump says ‘horrible muggers and dictators’ are allowed on Twitter and he isn’thttps://t.co/OsNe4MzSxV
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) 2021年8月19日
— トランプ前大統領ニュース (@TrumpTrackerJP) 2021年8月19日
(この通りしてれば)混乱も死者もなく、撤退に気づかれないのだ!」 https://t.co/3koqvta2fI
NEW: First you bring out all of the American citizens. Then you bring out ALL equipment. Then you bomb the bases into smithereens—AND THEN YOU BRING OUT THE MILITARY - Trump explains to Biden how US should have conducted withdrawal from Afghanistan.https://t.co/nptlXwtxzh
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) 2021年8月19日
JUST IN - Over 5,200 US Marines and soldiers now on ground in Kabul, Afghanistan - Fox News
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) 2021年8月19日
More paratrooprs from the 82nd Airborne heading to Kabul to protect the airport pic.twitter.com/b7gxKT91ZI
— Lucas Tomlinson (@LucasFoxNews) 2021年8月19日
NEW 🚨 US officials aren't just worried about the Taliban using the American weapons against civilians. They're also concerned the equipment could be seized by ISIS or handed over to China or Russia. - Axios
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) 2021年8月20日
JUST IN 🚨 Biden administration is considering to bomb the larger US equipment in Afghanistan - Reuters
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) 2021年8月20日
Billions in US weaponry seized by Taliban https://t.co/QpJDp99CEF pic.twitter.com/nUfBujb50R
— The Hill (@thehill) August 20, 2021
Memo to US Defense Department:
— Rudy W. Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) August 19, 2021
Gov. Pataki and I and many other Americans urge you immediately take back the Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan.
Whoever decided to abandon it forgot about the danger posed to us not just by the Taliban, but even more by the Chinese Communists.
米軍元司令官 アフガニスタン“テロ組織の温床化”に危機感 #nhk_news https://t.co/3qfdXARXsN
— NHKニュース (@nhk_news) 2021年8月20日
バイデン大統領 アフガンからの軍撤退批判に反論 “同盟重視” #nhk_news https://t.co/lQMHdx0DUR
— NHKニュース (@nhk_news) 2021年8月20日
— 時事ドットコム(時事通信ニュース) (@jijicom) 2021年8月19日
BREAKING: 5th Circuit panel, in 3-0 ruling, leaves in place order requiring Biden administration to restore Trump’s Remain-in-Mexico policy starting FRIDAY. Doc: https://t.co/2AUseYTuJY
— Josh Gerstein (@joshgerstein) 2021年8月20日