Russia at U.N. accuses U.S., allies of bossing world around | Reuters
Russia used its annual appearance at the U.N. General Assembly on Saturday to accuse the United States and its Western allies of bossing the world around, complaining they were attempting to dictate to everyone "what is good and evil."
"The U.S.-led Western alliance that portrays itself as a champion of democracy, rule of law and human rights within individual countries ... (is) rejecting the democratic principle of sovereign equality of states enshrined in the U.N. Charter and trying to decide for everyone what is good or evil," he said.
"Washington has openly declared its right to unilateral use of force anywhere to uphold its own interests," Lavrov added. "Military interference has become a norm - even despite the dismal outcome of all power operations that the U.S. has carried out over the recent years."
Lavrov cited the 1999 NATO bombing of Yugoslavia during the Kosovo war, the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the war in Afghanistan, and the 2011 NATO intervention in Libya that led to the toppling and death of longtime Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi as examples of U.S. failures.
Moscow has also criticized the United States over airstrikes against Islamic State, an Islamist militant group often referred that has taken over large areas of Syria and Iraq and is blamed for brutal slayings of civilians.
Russia on Friday questioned the legality of U.S. and Arab airstrikes in Syria to target Islamic State because the action was taken without the formal approval and cooperation of Moscow's ally, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
He reiterated Moscow's view that the United States and European Union "supported the coup d'etat in Ukraine" and that they were therefore responsible for the current conflict there.
Separately, Lavrov demanded information about the state of Libya's chemical weapons arsenals after the Libyan government asked the global chemical weapons watchdog to draw up plans to ship a stockpile of 850 metric tons of chemicals overseas because of deteriorating security.
"We understand that our NATO colleagues after they bombed out this country in violation of (U.N. Security Council) resolution would not like to stir up the mayhem they created," Lavrov said. "However, the problem of uncontrolled Libyan chemical arsenals is too serious to turn a blind eye."
Lavrov: Western bloc headed by Washington rejects UN principle that all states are equal ― RT News
ロシア外相 国連演説で欧米を強く批判 NHKニュース
Russian suspicions of U.S. motives in Syria make cooperation unlikely | Reuters
The United States and Russia see Islamic State as a common enemy but are failing to overcome deep mutual distrust and agree on how to tackle the threat together, making any role for Moscow in the U.S.-led campaign unlikely, say U.S. officials.
ロシアはウクライナに関する自国の立場を変えない‐ラヴロフ外相 - The Voice of Russia
ロシアは、対ロシア制裁の解除を目的に、ウクライナに関する自国の立場を変えることはない。ロシアのラヴロフ外相が27日、Bloomberg TVのインタビューで語った。
Russia's Lavrov says ties with Washington need 'reset 2.0' | Reuters
Moscow called on Sunday for a new "reset 2.0" in relations with Washington, saying the situation in Ukraine that had led to Western sanctions against Russia was now improving thanks to Kremlin peace initiatives.
In a television interview, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said it was time to repeat the "reset", Washington's name for an attempt to improve ties early in Obama's presidency.
"We are absolutely interested in bringing the ties to normal but it was not us who destroyed them. Now they require what the American would probably call a 'reset'," Lavrov said, according to a transcript of the interview on his ministry's website.
"The current U.S. administration is destroying today much of the cooperation structure that it created itself along with us. Most likely, something more will come up - a reset no.2 or a reset 2.0," he said.
In a diplomatic gaffe much mocked at the time, the button bore a Russian label that said "overload" instead of "reset"; the two words are similar in Russian.
Lavrov said that thanks to "initiatives of the Russian President", the situation was improving on the ground in Ukraine, where a ceasefire has been in place for several weeks.
The Sept.5 ceasefire is largely holding though some fighting has continued in places including the rebel stronghold of Donetsk.
"The ceasefire is taking shape, though of course not without problems. Monitoring mechanisms have been introduced, talks between Russia, the European Union and Ukraine have started, gas talks have restarted," Lavrov said.
Lavrov also repeated Russian criticism of the U.S.-led air campaign against Islamic State fighters in Syria, saying Washington was guilty of a "double standard" for refusing to cooperate with Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, a Russian ally.
Lavrov said that despite the Western sanctions, Russia did not feel isolated on the world stage. Moscow has responded to the sanctions by banning imports of most food from Western countries.
"We feel no isolation. But, having said that, I want to emphasise in particular that we do not want to go to extremes and abandon the European and American directions in our foreign economic cooperation," Lavrov said.
"We have no desire to continue a sanctions war, trading blows," Lavrov also said. "First of all, it is important that our partners understand the futility of ultimatums and threats."
Lavrov: US must stop acting like global prosecutor, judge and executioner ― RT Russian politics
Washington must stop acting unilaterally, with no regard to other nations’ interests, and should engage in honest cooperation to tackle global problems, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said in an interview with RT and the VGTRK media corporation.
High time to rearm: Moscow’s military build-up long overdue – Lavrov ― RT News
Russia’s investment in its military is not a sign of a looming new arms race but rather a long-overdue modernization, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with RT and the VGTRK media corporation.
“I don’t think we are on the verge of a new arms race. At least, Russia definitely won’t be part of it,” the minister said. “In our case, it’s just that the time has come for us to modernize our nuclear and conventional arsenals.”
Lavrov was commenting on the US plan to overhaul its nuclear arsenals, which was announced by President Barack Obama this week.
“The US nuclear arsenal is somewhat younger than ours, but perhaps it is also time for them to upgrade it. I just hope that the US will abide by the provisions of the New START treaty, which are legally binding,” Lavrov said. “It is fine to upgrade your stockpile, replacing old weapons with new ones, but there are certain restrictions on how many weapons you can have, and all these restrictions are still in place.”
なぜ今「天皇主権説」再考なのか・その1 (連載「パックス・ジャポニカへの道」) - 原田武夫国際戦略情報研究所公式ブログ
嘘がばれても新たな「怖い鬼」で人びとを操ろうとしている米国の支配層と騙された振りの人びと | 《櫻井ジャーナル》
『神曲 地獄篇 (講談社学術文庫) 』
ブログ更新。星に関するこの学問はいかに発展し、そして衰退したのか。 「占星術の繁栄と衰退 Hübner, "The Culture of Astrology from Ancient to Renaissance"」http://d.hatena.ne.jp/nikubeta/20140928/p1
マスコミ:iPhoneは「スパイ・フォン」 - The Voice of Russia
米アップル社のスマートフォンiPhoneは、正真正銘の「スパイ・フォン」だという。The Daily Mail紙が報じた。コンピューター技術分野における著名な英国人専門家で、プライバシー保護を訴える活動家のNoel Sharkey氏の評価が、その根拠となっている。
Noel Sharkey氏は、「衝撃的だ」と指摘し、出かけた場所、買い物をした場所、飲み物を飲んだ場所など全てが記録されると述べ、これは、「離婚調停をしている弁護士の夢だ」と語り、だが何よりも恐ろしいのは、それが密かに行われていることだと指摘した。
Daily Mail紙のリポーターのBen Spencer氏は、Apple社が1年前に「静かに」導入したプログラムは、「仕事に出かけた正確な時間、コーヒーを買った場所、よく買い物をする場所」などを記録していると指摘した。