ドラギ伊首相、米ロ首脳の会談促す ウクライナ戦争終結に向け https://t.co/k3XCB4tUFM
— ロイター (@ReutersJapan) 2022年5月11日
Mario Draghi is a gifted economist & a tireless civil servant. I have deeply appreciated his wise counsel through the years, & especially recently as our world has confronted new challenges. I’m honored to present him with the @AtlanticCouncil’s Distinguished Leadership Award. https://t.co/BFm0qKsTlF pic.twitter.com/bNgSJv0xPF
— Secretary Janet Yellen (@SecYellen) 2022年5月11日
In addition to his other crimes, Putin is blocking the movement of 300 cargo ships full of grains to feed the world. Russia must end its Black Sea blockade and this brutal war. #UnitedWithUkraine https://t.co/myGkQ5e9DS
— Under Secretary Victoria Nuland (@UnderSecStateP) 2022年5月11日
The national average price for gas has hit an all-time high of $4.37. This is crushing American families. Ultimately, this is on Joe Biden and his Administration's failure to put the American people first. Stop playing the victim, lead, and restart American energy!
— Mike Pompeo (@mikepompeo) 2022年5月11日
Good to see the radical abortion bill fail to pass in the Senate today. It was a pure power grab and wholly unconstitutional.
— Mike Pompeo (@mikepompeo) 2022年5月11日
I pray that Roe is overturned - then our real work will begin. Conservatives everywhere must be ready to fight for life!
— Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) May 11, 2022
Trump defines Trumpism on Truth Social: pic.twitter.com/0LIGbTHQtO
— Kristina Wong 🇺🇸 (@kristina_wong) May 11, 2022
【MAGA KING、トランピズム】
— 真実を伝えるハートフルリーダー ありすママ (@yuko_muraki) May 12, 2022
米裁判所、トランプ氏に付せんの扱いで宣誓供述求める 罰金11万ドルの支払い命令 https://t.co/27CZjFgtw4
— cnn_co_jp (@cnn_co_jp) 2022年5月12日